Part 3: The Search for the Garden of Eden — Unravelling the Mysteries of the Universal Tree of Life

6 min readOct 7, 2023


If you have not already read the part 2, do go and check that part first. This is a complete series and thus you will be better able to understand this part based on the previous one. Hope you are enjoying this read. Have a wonderful day and stay blessed! Here is the link to part 2:


The world is a tapestry of diverse cultures, each weaving their own unique stories and beliefs. Yet, amidst this cultural diversity, there exists a universal symbol that transcends time and borders — the Tree of Life. It is a symbol that appears in various forms across indigenous cultures, from the Mayan civilization to the biblical Garden of Eden. In this captivating exploration, we will embark on a journey to decode the secrets hidden within the branches of the Tree of Life and uncover its profound significance.

AI depiction of Tree Of Life

The Mayan Tree of Life

In the Mayan civilization, the Tree of Life takes the form of stone carvings and sacred depictions. At its core, the Mayan Tree of Life symbolizes the unity of humanity, illustrating how we all share a common root and have branched out into the diverse beings we are today. This ancient representation hints at a deeper connection between all living beings, urging us to contemplate our origins.

The Tree of Life, Chiapas
  1. The Tree of Life with fruit
  2. 12 roots representing the 12 tribes from Egypt
  3. Cheribums guarding the tree of life
  4. And elder (beardeed?) giving instruction (Lehi)
  5. Man of great stature, speaking stylus in hand (Nephi) Spirit speaking through him?
  6. Man in supportive role(Sam)
  7. Old female with royal headdress (Sariah)
  8. Two men with their backs to the tree representing rejection, one blinded by smoke (Laman/Lemuel)
  9. Rod of Iron
  10. The filthy waters — depths of hell
  11. Jawbone held over Lehi spokesman for the Lord
  12. Groping in mist of darkness, hand touching tree
  13. Partaking of fruit, but turning away from tree
  14. Several birds and fish — eternal life
  15. Laughing person — in building the air

A Universal Pattern

Surprisingly, the Tree of Life myth appears in strikingly similar forms in various cultures worldwide. The concept of the World Tree, an axis connecting realms, transcends the boundaries of time and space. Instead of a mill’s axle, it takes the shape of a towering tree, reinforcing the notion of a shared cosmic design that defies conventional explanations.

Concept of World Tree

The Physics Connection

The intriguing parallel between the World Tree and recent developments in physics adds a layer of complexity to our exploration. The spherical torus, a fundamental shape in physics, hints at a profound connection between the Tree of Life and the laws governing the universe. Could this suggest a deeper, universal truth encoded within this ancient symbol?


Decoding Ancient Texts

Our quest for understanding takes us into the realm of ancient texts. Could the Tree of Life be decoded within these cryptic writings? Are there hints of a grand design hidden within the words of our ancestors? As we delve deeper into these texts, the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place.

So far…

The Tree of Life, a symbol that has persisted across millennia and cultures, invites us to unravel the mysteries of existence. From the Mayans to the Garden of Eden, from physics to ancient texts, from extraterrestrial connections to the human brain, this journey has led us down a winding path of wonder and inquiry. As we stand at the crossroads of knowledge and mystery, one thing is clear: the Tree of Life continues to beckon, inviting us to explore the boundless realms of human understanding.

Part 4 is up Check out this part to have better comprehension of how everything is related and how conjointly it help us to reveal the bigger and hidden picture of our existence. Join me for the part 4. Here is the link:

For more information on this topic, do check out the video this well thorough video series by Gaia:

