Part 4: The Search for the Garden of Eden — Unravelling the Tower of Babel: A Linguistic Odyssey Through Time

6 min readOct 9, 2023


If you have not already read the part 3, do go and check that part first. This is a complete series and thus you will be better able to understand this part based on the previous one. Hope you are enjoying this read. Have a wonderful day and stay blessed! Here is the link to part 3:


In August 2012, a group of researchers, led by Quentin Atkinson from the University of Auckland in New Zealand, embarked on a remarkable journey to uncover the secrets hidden within the intricate web of languages that have shaped human history. Their method? A fascinating algorithmic approach that analyzed phonetics across more than a hundred ancient and modern languages. Their quest was akin to tracing the roots of a family tree, and the results of their investigation would unlock the mysteries of an ancient tale — the Tower of Babel. This captivating story takes us on a thrilling journey through the annals of time, unraveling the origins of the world’s largest global language and its connection to a biblical legend.

AI representation of Tower of Babel

The Language Puzzle

Imagine a world where languages connect us across centuries and continents. This is precisely what the researchers set out to explore by delving into the world of cognates — words that share similar forms, revealing their common ancestry. Over 6,000 cognates were discovered across 200 meanings and 100 languages, offering a glimpse into the creation of a new, global language. This remarkable linguistic tapestry paved the way for uncovering an eight-millennia-old origin shared by all these languages, pinpointing the place where it all began.

A Brief History of the English Language — Literary Theory and Criticism

The Tower of Babel Connection

Atkinson’s groundbreaking research offers a fresh perspective on an ancient biblical tale — the Tower of Babel. Described in Genesis 11:1–9, this story revolves around a civilization united by a tower that bestowed them with a common language. The correlation between Atkinson’s findings and this biblical account is striking, suggesting a remarkable connection between ancient myths and scientific discoveries. But there’s more to the story.

Tower of Babel: Genesis 11.1–9

The Garden of Eden and Sumerian Texts

Anton Parks’ research, intertwined with Atkinson’s findings, takes us deeper into the rabbit hole. Parks’ work uncovers the Garden of Eden and the significance of language in Sumerian texts. Google Earth has enabled us to pinpoint the divine mountain of the Anunnaki gods and their Garden of Eden, offering tantalizing clues about humanity’s ancient origins. But what role did language play in this cosmic puzzle?

Garden of the gods (Sumerian paradise)

The Divine Language of the Annunaki

In Sumerian tablets, we encounter intriguing references to creating workers to serve the Anunnaki. Enter Inky, the main geneticist of the gods, who operated in secrecy while imparting knowledge to humanity. Inky harnessed the Evian language, a celestial tongue, to encode ancient languages found on Earth. This linguistic code evolved over generations to safeguard hidden knowledge from the Anunnaki. The revelation that all common languages were coded from this celestial source is a pivotal discovery.

Language of Anunaki
Sumerian Tablet

Nimrod and the Cradle of Civilization

Nimrod, a key figure in the Tower of Babel narrative, takes center stage in our investigation. The geographical location of Gobekli Tepe in northern Mesopotamia, known as the cradle of civilization, aligns perfectly with the Tower of Babel’s biblical setting. This convergence of mythology and archaeology paints a vivid picture of humanity’s quest for knowledge and independence.


The Tower of Babel as a Gateway to Knowledge

To decode the symbolism of the Tower of Babel, we must look beyond its literal interpretation. This tower represents the ascent of humanity towards divine knowledge, with each level signifying an elevation in understanding. The summit serves as a bridge between the physical and non-physical realms, where language and metaphor merge to shape our reality. Could the ancient humans have harnessed language’s power to control matter through frequency manipulation?

AI Generated Illustration for Tower of Babel

The Tower’s Warning and the Persistence of Knowledge

As we explore the Tower’s meaning, we uncover a recurring theme — a warning to humankind about the dangers of hubris. Cataclysms like the Great Flood wiped the slate clean, but the knowledge endured, passed down through generations. This persistence of knowledge reveals a relentless quest for wisdom, even in the face of cosmic adversity.

Great Flood

So far…

The Tower of Babel, a story rooted in the depths of human history, transcends its biblical origins. It weaves together a tapestry of languages, myths, and scientific discoveries, offering us a glimpse into the shared human quest for knowledge. From the linguistic codes of the Anunnaki to the symbolic heights of the Tower, our journey has revealed a grand narrative — a narrative that invites us to ponder the mysteries of our origins and the boundless potential of language to bridge the divide between the earthly and the divine.

Part 5 is up Check out this part to have better comprehension of how everything is related and how conjointly it help us to reveal the bigger and hidden picture of our existence. Join me for the part 5. Here is the link:

For more information on this topic, do check out the video this well thorough video series by Gaia:

