Part 6: The Search for the Garden of Eden -Unravelling the Mysteries of the Great Pyramid and Sphinx

5 min readOct 14, 2023

If you have not already read the part 5, do go and check that part first. This is a complete series and thus you will be better able to understand this part based on the previous one. Hope you are enjoying this read. Have a wonderful day and stay blessed! Here is the link to part 5:


In the heart of Egypt’s Giza Plateau stand two enigmatic monuments that have puzzled scholars, scientists, and historians for centuries — the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. But what if these ancient structures were designed not just as architectural marvels but as repositories of profound knowledge? In this captivating journey, we explore the hidden secrets of these iconic landmarks, delving into the realms of numbers, geometry, and ancient wisdom to uncover a code that might change our understanding of human existence.

What’s Inside the Secret Chambers in the Pyramids of Giza
That Old “Second Sphinx”

The Great Pyramid’s Obscure Geometry

If you look closely at the Great Pyramid, you’ll notice it’s not just a four-sided structure; it has a subtle eight-sided shape. This design intricacy raises intriguing questions about its purpose. Is this geometry trying to convey a message? And why would it deviate slightly from true north? It turns out that this deviation is incredibly precise, considering the massive scale of the pyramid, adding to the mystery of its construction.

Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza — Configuration

Aligning with the Stars

The Great Pyramid’s alignment with true north isn’t arbitrary; it’s connected to the Earth’s precession — a wobbling motion of its axis. This cosmic connection is no accident; it suggests an ancient understanding of the Earth’s relationship with the stars. Could this be a deliberate message to remind us of our place in the cosmos? Some argue it’s no coincidence, while others dismiss it as random.

Causeway of the Great Pyramid
Orion correlation theory

The Zodiacal Ages

Delving deeper into the Great Pyramid’s numerology, we discover a fascinating link to the zodiacal ages. The cycle of the zodiac consists of 12 constellations, each housing the Sun on the spring equinox for approximately 2,160 years. This precise calculation begs the question: Could this be a code left by the pyramid’s builders to encode human existence over millennia?

Tesla’s Obsession with Numbers

The numbers that fascinated Nikola Tesla find an unexpected connection to the equations within the Great Pyramid. Could this be evidence that Tesla tapped into an ancient code that transcends time and space? Robert Bauval suggests that this numerical language is the key to the future.

It’s not hieroglyphs that need decoding but mathematics.

Nikola Tesla

The Great Pyramid’s Purpose

If the Great Pyramid’s goal was to educate humanity about its place in the universe, could it also serve as a device to transform consciousness? Might it be a monument designed to withstand the ages, ensuring that the secrets of the cosmos are never lost to humanity?

The Sphinx’s Enigmatic Origin

Standing in the shadow of the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx adds another layer of mystery. Scholars believe it dates back to a climatic period much earlier than previously thought, potentially over 10,000 years ago. What secrets might it hold, and could it be intricately connected to the code hidden within the pyramid?

What is the History of the Sphinx Statue

So far…

As we unravel the mysteries of the Great Pyramid and Sphinx, we’re confronted with profound questions about our past, present, and future. Could these ancient monuments be silent messengers, sharing a code that transcends time and space? While some dismiss these connections as mere coincidence, others see in them a deeper, uncharted knowledge of our place in the cosmos. Whether it’s the precise geometry, cosmic alignments, or the enigmatic numbers, one thing is clear: these ancient structures continue to challenge our understanding of history, science, and human existence.

Part 7 is up Check out this part to have better comprehension of how everything is related and how conjointly it help us to reveal the bigger and hidden picture of our existence. Join me for the part 7. Here is the link:

For more information on this topic, do check out the video this well thorough video series by Gaia:

