Part 7: The Search for the Garden of Eden — Unlocking the Enigma of the Great Sphinx of Giza: A Journey Through Time and Secrets

5 min readOct 16, 2023


If you have not already read the part 6, do go and check that part first. This is a complete series and thus you will be better able to understand this part based on the previous one. Hope you are enjoying this read. Have a wonderful day and stay blessed! Here is the link to part 6:


The enigmatic Great Sphinx of Giza, with the body of a lion and the head of a human, stands as a testament to ancient mysteries. Scholars date it back to around 4,000 years ago, but its story is far more intriguing. As per the research, if someone first gazed upon the Sphinx in 1990, that person might have noticed something perplexing — the weathering and erosion didn’t match the Sahara desert’s conditions, suggesting a different tale. In this article, we will embark on a captivating journey through time and unveil the secrets that the Sphinx may hold, connecting clues from geology, astronomy, and esoteric knowledge.

AI representation: — The Great Sphinx of Giza

A Precipitation Puzzle

The initial disconnect in the Sphinx’s weathering patterns stems from a theory that the Mediterranean Sea once stretched to the Giza plateau, creating distinctive erosion patterns. The Sphinx’s body showed signs of repeated repair, hinting at ancient maintenance. Geologically and climatologically, it’s believed that prior to 3,000 years ago, the Sahara was moister, with more rainfall. Could this point to a history extending back thousands of years?

The Great Sphinx of Giza

Rainfall Erosion vs. Aeolian Erosion

Recent research by Robert Schoch has revealed that the Sphinx’s erosion is more consistent with fluvial (water-related) erosion rather than aeolian (wind-related) erosion. This opens up the possibility that the Sphinx is much older than previously thought, possibly dating back to 36,000 years ago. But how do we connect the Sphinx to astronomical knowledge?

The Age of the Sphinx
Aeolian environments

A Cosmic Connection

The alignment of the Sphinx due east and its connection to ancient skies prompt a shift from geology to astronomy. Could the Sphinx and the pyramids serve as astronomically linked monuments, revealing knowledge from a distant past? Some researchers propose that these structures align with astronomical events occurring around 10,500 years ago, further deepening the Sphinx’s mystery.

THE SPHINX Starry sky

The Keeper of Secrets

Why would the Sphinx have such precise astronomical alignment?

Some believe it may have been a marker of cosmic importance, guarding esoteric knowledge and the mystery of existence. It serves as a gatekeeper, testing the worthiness of those seeking enlightenment before they can enter.

The Chamber of Secrets

Rumors of a hidden chamber beneath the Sphinx’s paw have persisted for years. Could this chamber contain knowledge about human behavior and history spanning thousands or even millions of years? Graham Hancock suggests that it might be guarding humanity’s secrets, while Sonja Grace’s mystical encounter hints at a connection to ancient beings from the past.

Secret Chamber Behind Sphinx’s Ear?

So far…

The Great Sphinx of Giza continues to stand as an enigmatic sentinel of the past, guarding mysteries that beckon us to explore further. From the clues hidden in its weathering patterns to its celestial alignment, the Sphinx hints at a history more ancient and complex than we once believed. As we strive to decode its secrets, we may find that it holds the key to a deeper understanding of human history, esoteric knowledge, and the cosmos.

The Great Sphinx reminds us that the quest for knowledge and discovery knows no bounds, inviting us to continue our journey into the unknown.

Part 8 is up Check out this part to have better comprehension of how everything is related and how conjointly it help us to reveal the bigger and hidden picture of our existence. Join me for the part 8. Here is the link:

For more information on this topic, do check out the video this well thorough video series by Gaia:

