IT skills – Beyond code

Musarrat Husain
2 min readOct 26, 2023

Ah, the vast realm of the IT industry where the code is the knight and the bugs are dragons to be slayed. Now, while knowing how to joust with Java and duel with Databases is crucial, there’s more to climbing the castle of success. Here are some non-technical skills that could crown you king or queen in this digital dominion:

  1. Communication Skills: Imagine you’ve discovered the Holy Grail of algorithms but alas! You can’t explain it to your fellow knights. Your words are your sword; sharpen them. Good communication helps in explaining complex ideas in a simple way to clients and team members.

2. Teamwork: No knight succeeds in a quest alone. It’s the Round Table of teammates that conquers the code. Teamwork is about harmonizing your strengths and weaknesses with others to achieve common goals.

3. Problem-Solving: In the IT kingdom, problems are more common than goblets of mead at a feast. Having a knack for solving problems, and looking at challenges as dragons to be slayed, rather than ominous omens, is key.

4. Time Management: Time, the elusive sorcerer, always seems to sprint when deadlines approach. Mastering the art of managing time ensures you meet deadlines without having to rush through the enchanted forest of tasks at the last minute.

5. Learning Agility: The IT realm is ever-evolving with new sorceries like AI, Machine Learning, and others. Be agile in your learning; embrace the new, and you’ll stay ahead in the royal race.

6. Client Management: Keeping the lords and ladies (clients) content is an art. Understand their needs, manage expectations, and ensure their goblets (requirements) are filled to the brim, and they’ll sing your praises in the kingdom.

7. Project Management: Overseeing the kingdom (project) from the high tower (management position) requires a panoramic view of all the moving parts, ensuring everything is in sync and marching towards victory.

8. Creativity: Sometimes, the beaten path won’t lead to the treasure. Being creative in finding solutions, and maybe discovering a few enchanted shortcuts, can be a boon.

9. Ethics: A true knight is as known for their honor as for their swordsmanship. Adhering to ethical practices builds trust and a reputation that echoes through the corridors of the IT castle.

10. Resilience: The path is strewn with failures and thorny challenges. Resilience is your shield against the arrows of misfortune.

So, gear up, arm yourself with these skills, and embark on a legendary journey in the IT realm.



Musarrat Husain

AI evangelist. Founder @ Hackaback Technologies