Dr Katherine Phelps
1 min readJul 17, 2017


One of the most beautiful documents composed by humankind is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Pretty much everything we should aspire to be as a people is encompassed in that document. The two countries who were largely instrumental in its creation: the US and (yes, for as tiny as it is population-wise) Australia. These two countries are now legislating away their obligations from having not only signed that document, but written it as well.

Technically, we agreed to teach this document to our children. Do you remember ever being offered a class that taught human rights? I moved house every few years when I was growing up. Not a single school said a word about the Declaration. Of course I grew up during the era of the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement, a time when the US was actively attempting to deny people rights.

I have spent a lot of time with animals. Humans are always trying to find ways that they are unique and better than the rest of their living family. A jungle is generally kinder to its individual members. Species tend to care for their own as part of their self preservation. Humans may be unique to the degree we inflict harm on ourselves and do it better than any other creature. We need to start getting inventive in our capacity for compassion.

