Muse Site of the Day: Jonny Redrow

2 min readDec 15, 2021


Who is Jonny Redrow?

Jonny Redrow is a music artist based out of Los Angeles, California. His songs such as “Hate the Chase”, “Angel” and “Gelato” have reached hundreds of thousands of listeners, and he’s active on Instagram and Tiktok (@jonnyredrow) as well.

What makes his Muse site successful?

Jonny’s site,, features 3D scans of the artists’ recording studio done by one of our team members. The scan was done with the Polycam app that uses photogrammetry (basically a way to map out a surface by taking images of it). Once that scan is done, it generates a 3D model that can be downloaded and then uploaded to a Muse site.

Nowadays, taking a 3D scan is just about as easy as taking a photo. The only problem is that there aren’t many places to use a 3D scan once you have one. Muse gives those 3D scans a home and allows creators to leverage their power to further immerse their end visitors within their sites.

A challenge that many music artists face is standing out, and connecting on a deeper level with their listeners. By having those 3D scans of his actual studio, it allows for Jonny’s listeners that end up visiting his 3D site to feel as if they’re walking into the real thing. The scan of Jonny’s desk has a video of one of his songs playing on top of it- and that adds to the ambience of the site as visitors are able to walk around and check out his social media links on the wall, or see his album cover art.

