Muse and Metrics S5 EP 14 — Creative Technologist with Priyal Jain [Guest Bio, Summary, Audio and Transcript]

Muse and Metrics
43 min readDec 17, 2023


Guest Bio

Priyal Jain is a dynamic UI Developer and an influential Women Techmakers Ambassador based in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. With a profound passion for technology and community building, Priyal has carved out a niche for herself in the tech industry, particularly in the realms of Angular development, HTML, and CSS.

Currently, Priyal is a Development Engineer at Calsoft, where she has been showcasing her expertise since December 2022. Her role involves leveraging her skills in Angular Material, Karma, Angular, CSS, Bootstrap, SASS, HTML5, and Git to develop compelling and functional user interfaces. Priyal’s journey in tech also includes notable tenures at HotWax Systems as a Senior Software Engineer and at Buyogo GmbH as a Frontend Developer, where she honed her skills in various frontend technologies.

Priyal’s commitment to the tech community extends beyond her professional work. As a Women Techmakers Ambassador and IamRemarkable Facilitator, she has been actively involved in advocating for women in technology. Her efforts focus on empowering women in the field and fostering a supportive environment for their growth and success.

Her role as a co-organizer for GDG Cloud Indore further exemplifies her dedication to tech community development. Here, she plays a pivotal role in organizing events, leading discussions, and providing training opportunities, thereby nurturing a thriving tech community in her region.

Priyal Jain’s journey in technology is marked by her enthusiasm for continuous learning and community engagement. Her work not only demonstrates her technical prowess but also her commitment to uplifting others in the tech space, making her a role model and an inspiration for many aspiring tech professionals, especially women in the tech industry.


Key Highlights:

  1. Priyal Jain’s Professional Background and Expertise:
  • Priyal Jain is a Front End Web Developer specializing in Angular, based in Indore, India.
  • She holds the role of a Women Techmakers Ambassador, actively contributing to community building and women’s empowerment in tech.
  • Her work at Calsoft involves using her skills in Angular, CSS, and HTML5 to develop engaging user interfaces.

2. Emphasis on Continuous Learning and Skill Development:

  • Priyal underlines the importance of ongoing learning, especially in web development areas like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • She advocates for keeping up-to-date with new technologies and trends, emphasizing the dynamic nature of the tech field.

3. The Role of Public Speaking and Effective Communication:

  • As a Women Techmakers Ambassador, Priyal shares her experiences in public speaking, highlighting the significance of communication skills in tech.
  • She encourages viewing public speaking as a conversation with friends, aiming to reduce anxiety and create a comfortable environment.

4. Engagement in Tech Communities and Leadership Development:

  • Priyal discusses her journey and growth as a Women Techmakers Ambassador since 2020.
  • She emphasizes community engagement, networking, and the value of these activities in personal and professional development.

5. Advocacy for Women in Technology:

  • Priyal is passionate about advocating for women in tech, focusing on creating opportunities and a supportive environment for their growth.
  • She discusses initiatives like the Women Developers Academy and IamRemarkable, highlighting their role in empowering women.

6. Insights into Web Development:

  • Priyal delves into the technical aspects of web development, discussing best practices, performance optimization, and user experience.
  • She shares her approach to learning and staying updated in her field, including practical implementation and community interactions.

7. Priyal’s Vision for Women in Tech:

  • Her mission involves not just excelling in her field but also uplifting other women in technology.
  • Priyal envisions a collaborative and supportive tech environment where women can thrive and lead.


In this episode of “Muse and Metrics,” Priyal Jain shares her insightful and inspiring journey as a UI Developer and Women Techmakers Ambassador. Her experiences in software development, leadership, and community engagement offer valuable lessons in the importance of continuous learning, effective communication, and the empowerment of women in the tech industry. Priyal’s story is a testament to the dynamic nature of technology and the significant impact of community and advocacy in shaping a more inclusive tech landscape.

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(This is a raw transcript — there may be errors)

Philippa Burgess
Welcome to Muse and Metrics. This is your host Philippa Burgess. This is season five episode 14 and today’s topic is Creative Technologist.

Priyal Jain
I’m Priyal Jain and I’m Woman Techmakers Ambassador based out of in India. Today we are going to see about how to start your career in software development, as we already discussed, but later on how to make leadership skills, how to work in a D, how to use creativity in tech. So that is the most important thing in nowadays in professional world and personal in each and every sector.

Priyal Jain
Like when I used to do an inside study of we have so many trainings, we have so many of placement. We have so many things to learn about your skills, like very want to grow your domain specific toys. And if you ever want to go in there cloud And so we have to pick up the skills, the skills we have to go like what are the things you have to read?

Priyal Jain
There are so many things that you have to learn. Learning is never and it’s I believe, but there is a skill set in web development. We have like a CML services. JavaScript could mean three things that come to grow further for the next your web development. Apart from that, you have another for the email identify cloud file BS.

Priyal Jain
So you have to learn lots of stuff among these things. Now the most important question is how to make leadership not in doing professional and do a community like you are dealing with the people you are dealing with, the team, your content, the events you can trainings. So we should always welcome everybody. As my community. You always do like we always welcome the people.

Priyal Jain
We always give new opportunities to be like the public speaking. If I am talking about in front of you, everybody like it’s a world. But there is so much things like stage for your When you go and in front of a crowd, you hesitate. But now was everybody has some different perspective to see about. It’s all about your comfort like which of all which face you want to say to the people.

Priyal Jain
This big guys really to the people. The first thing is, which I can see about just like you talking to your friends must be you are talking to the friend just because really a deal status is not think about that. You are on stage. You are at some point you just in between your own people on ground. They don’t know you, you don’t know them.

Priyal Jain
They don’t sense you. Even because they don’t know you. We went back. So you have a freedom to say anything, which I believe. And apart from the leadership skills I will see about communication, like communication is very important. Like me and Philip is also communicating with you and you also communicating with us or the government or any questions, anything.

Priyal Jain
So communication is very important. Transparency is very important because before making perception, because there is a human tendency used to make judgments, we also make perceptions about people used to think like we should give this opportunity to this person or not. We have always discussions into our head, so just take a risk and use all that. You can do better day by day.

Philippa Burgess
Women Tech makers is a global community and you are representing a global community and you guys have a lot going on in India, just like we have our North American group. And there’s ambassadors in Europe and Africa and Australia around the world. And I’m having more and more opportunities to speak to all of you, which is absolutely amazing to me.

Philippa Burgess
And so you’re in Indore, India, and you have a local G group and you’re actually very involved in leading and being involved in that, having started as a volunteer and then getting invited into the women take make our Ambassadors community. So let’s start with how long have you been an ambassador? I know your your volunteer work and your involvement in the industry predates that.

Philippa Burgess
But how long when did you actually get started? As an ambassador?

Priyal Jain
that’s a nice question. Like this question has been asked so many people by many times. Whenever I meet new people into the community, I industry like how long you have been the ambassador, how long you’ve started the community? Like what makes you inspired to do this particular thing? What makes you dress for that? So let me tell you about this.

Priyal Jain
I became ambassador in the year of 2020. Since I have been three years of becoming an investor and associated with Diddy groups. And I started volunteering into the my website like because it’s my thing. And after that I learned and grow so many things When I started, I, I don’t have so much experience. I didn’t have any experience.

Priyal Jain
I just have my leadership skills, but I didn’t have any such experience. So later on, like what to do, how we went a salon, what is a prerequisite to do anything? I just growing up to see the people like how they are doing and I just follow the theme and just by mistakes and all the failures I’ve been down and I just go, You’re going with the people.

Priyal Jain
But the most amazing thing of mine is like, I never give up with the things I will. This challenge people and I always try to do the people. I was salespeople like, Yes, you are saying no, now I have to do it again and again, whether it’s everything is planned for that. So I always do. I will stick new challenges.

Priyal Jain
I always challenge people, always to do the new hard task that makes me challenging. And and it’s all about your for everyone in this as well like my interest six to my all little movie things. I love to meet new people. It is my netone so I love networking with the people so that makes me invested. The community is linked with.

Philippa Burgess
That’s wonderful. And I would imagine because what I’ve seen, I’ve only been in the program now just coming up on a year and the amount of growth that I’ve had, the amount of community building, the amount of feeling that I not only belong, but then I can contribute and that now that I’m contributing, people are coming back to me to share new opportunities and collaborations.

Philippa Burgess
And it’s an amazing place for having that growth mindset and having that community mindset that you obviously have. So I can only imagine that year after year between 2022 today, you’ve had quite a bit of opportunity to to network, to lead and to grow both personally and and also professionally and in end in your technical skills and abilities as well.

Priyal Jain
Yes. So I’ve been abroad and grown a lot in the as my daily aspects, like any blending of any skills, the public speaking and whether it’s communication that is.

Philippa Burgess

Priyal Jain
Anything. So I’ve been gone a lot day by day and I just keep learning and just communicate with the people, keep trying to do the things I never thought, like what will be the output of that, but I just want to try it. And I just tried that. All of my the thing which is the best inspires me to do that.

Priyal Jain
So let me ask you one question of like what makes you inspired to build and grow into the community? As I said about my leadership, communication and many more. But what is the main thing that you think about? Like what makes you inspired?

Philippa Burgess
Probably for me it’s having been community less, and I think I made very conscious decisions in my career in in certain ways. I when I started working in the entertainment industry, I was in Los Angeles, which is the place that is the entertainment industry. And I had gone to school in Los Angeles as I got my undergraduate bachelor’s there.

Philippa Burgess
And then I stayed in Los Angeles and I had a community. I had a community that was from my college. I had a community that was from my first agency, Jobs. I had just a very social and just my whole life was very interconnected with a very tight and yet expansive group of young professionals in the entertainment industry.

Philippa Burgess
And so we ran in packs. We all knew each other. The people we knew knew each other. I was in the entertainment industry and the industry industry has different pockets, different sides. I was in motion picture feature lit, so screenplays, books to film, film and television and that world. And when I left in 2012, I want to put that chapter behind me.

Philippa Burgess
I’m still friends with those people, but that was no longer my main focus and I was ready to start something new. And what I realized more recently is that it broke into chapters. So the first chapter was that my world and my work was being a container for other creatives and artists. I was the administrator for creatives and when I moved to Colorado, I wanted to be the creative.

Philippa Burgess
But in my role there I wore a costume that was other people’s brands for companies, for executives. So I was invisible in my creative work. So I was getting to be creative, but I just played the voice of the of the brand, of the company, of the product and, and created we did websites, we did social media campaigns, we did blogs, we did PR, we did events, we did awards submissions.

Philippa Burgess
So I was in a creative space with a lot of companies, startups, small businesses. But as I was there very quickly, the wave that was the cannabis industry, the CBD industry in the United States, in Colorado, when they legalized marijuana, that’s what my world became because I was in Denver right when it was legalized, right? When all those new companies were popping up everywhere.

Philippa Burgess
And they all needed branding and they all needed communications and they all needed compliance. And it was an interesting, exciting place to be at that time. I didn’t choose it. It chose me because I was sort of standing there and that was the space that I was in. I was physically in Denver, Colorado. I was in a communications role.

Philippa Burgess
And then in the pandemic, I left Colorado and I moved back east and returned to where I grew up on the East Coast. And with that, I wanted something new and different. And because of the United States rules about marijuana, cannabis, CBD, it’s very state by state. So different places have different rules. And I really had no interest in getting involved with it in another state.

Philippa Burgess
I just decided that my time there was done I it was now had gone from being a brand new industry to being something that was more mature. And I, I stopped growing and I just didn’t see a future opportunity. And so I decided it was absolutely time for me to sunset that and start over. But I started feeling that I had no community.

Philippa Burgess
I didn’t know what industry I belonged in. I didn’t know who I belonged to because those industries are very social and very connected and people help each other. And then I went back to school. School is a very safe space or back to the same school I did my undergraduate, though now I was in an online program that I could travel between Colorado, the East Coast and back to California, where my mom is.

Philippa Burgess
And so online school also let me have kind of a locational. I could be wherever I wanted to be, and I loved my school community, but at the same time I was still feeling like that’s not an industry. And I studied urban planning, which I loved. But I found that some of the financialization of property and it was coming at a cost to human values and the environment and society, communities, all sorts of things that I just I wasn’t interested in serving that community to help them make more money and do it at a cost to society and in the environment.

Philippa Burgess
I was like, that’s just that’s not who I am and this is not my people, my tribe, in a way that I want. That’s where I want to exist. And so I felt like I didn’t know where I belonged. And coming out of urban planning, the part I fell in love with was data science, data visualization, GIS, digital twins, all of this stuff that I knew very little about.

Philippa Burgess
I just sort of saw a little bit and I said, Ooh, I want to go in that direction. And so I talked to some people who were GIS professionals, and they and I said, Can I kind of learn this on my own or should I go through an academic program? And they suggested they’re like, You’ll do much better going through an academic program.

Philippa Burgess
There’s a lot to learn and it’s helpful if it’s given to you in a structured environment and you have peers and you have. And so that made sense to me. And there’s a one year certificate program that I signed up for and I applied to it. I’d gotten in over the summer and it was I had a while I finished my master’s in August, and then I started that program in September and immediately I was scanning for opportunities because now I was in a technology certificate and I was seeing that I could claim my identity as a woman in tech, as a woman in STEM, which having this creative background, even though in the early

Philippa Burgess
days I was writing HTML code and I’ve always been very much an early adopter to tech and I love technology. I never identified as a woman in tech. And so when I saw the application pop up for this, I was like, Yes, this is exactly the identity I want. This is the community I want. We similarly had another opportunity for scholarship in the intelligence community, and I applied for that and got that.

Philippa Burgess
And then I was being mentored in the intelligence community. I haven’t put as much time and energy into that community as I would like, but I feel like I’ll do better coming into that community with these tech skills, with this knowledge of AI and ML, because that’s what that community is talking about now. And I think I’ll be even more welcome into that community if I can say, Hey, let’s talk AML, hey, let’s talk about these things that are evolving within the intelligence community.

Philippa Burgess
And now after that one year or within that one year program, I knew there was a lot more learning I wanted to do and I wanted to find the practical applications for it. And I now see my place in urban planning. My place in urban planning is about community, is about the environment, is about climate impact. And so now I’m studying human security and geospatial intelligence.

Priyal Jain
There’s a most amazing story you tell about leg room. You can do switching like you’re mentored. So much things like that is really inspiring to hear about, like, about your views about the tech and inspiring and in a lot of stuff.

Philippa Burgess
One of the things that I was tell you, the first thing where I used to be the container for other creatives, and then I kind of wore the costume. Now I’m seeing my third role because the thing for me, like, so when I found one in Tech Makers, I had no community and this became my community. This became what I had had before in different industries.

Philippa Burgess
Now we’re starting to feel like I belong. I belong to an industry. Now there’s other industries and communities that I want to get into as well. But my goal then is to act as a connector. How do I connect them back to this community and how can these communities help each other? But what I’m seeing now is that my new goal is where I’ve had this creative journey all along, and I’ve been creative now for the very first time.

Philippa Burgess
I’m owning my identity in front of the mic and in front of the camera because I never in my creative history got in front of the camera. I always told other people’s stories quietly and behind the scenes and forged administrative. So that’s where I’m coming out now. I’m ready to share my platform, share my stage, bring other people with me in expanding our ability to communicate, share messages, amplify and tell important stories, inspire other people.

Philippa Burgess
And I really saw it at a conference that I went to this summer, which is called Ezra, you see. So the Ezra User conference. Ezra is a big kind of mapping software that we learn in school to create data visualization oceans in, in using mapping tools. And I was at this conference and I spent two days asking one question, which is where does Ezra and Google Connect?

Philippa Burgess
Because Google is a behemoth in the spatial space. You’ve got Google Earth, you’ve got Google Earth Engine, you’ve got Google Maps. You just Google does a lot in the geospatial space, but they’re competitors with Ezra and AI in again, community and being inspired by other people, learned about G-d and decided I wanted to be a Jedi. And it was like, What do I be Jedi in is and I just decided it’s going to be geospatial.

Philippa Burgess
But now it’s like, okay, I need to get proficient at Google Earth Engine understanding, Google Earth, understanding Google Maps and their APIs, their new immersive experience, and AI. But I also realized that where I really want to expand my expertise is in databases, because databases is the one place where Google and and Ezri really connect because you can prepare the data and ask the data questions and get it all ready to analyze and visualize.

Philippa Burgess
And whether you do that with art, Yes. Pro or whether you do that with Google Earth Engine, different companies are going to have different preferences and different needs to as to which software they’re going to choose. And I want to be the ambassador who can speak well of Google products. And so I want to speak for big query dogs.

Philippa Burgess
I want to speak to Firebase, I want to speak to. So that’s what I’m realizing, that that’s where I want to be, is that when it comes to the actual mapping software, I can say, you can you as Asra or you can use Google. When I was at that conference, I was the only person I perceived out of tens of thousands of people where I was working so hard to learn what they have and what they do.

Philippa Burgess
And you realize that there wasn’t any there who identified as a podcaster, a blogger or a YouTuber. And that really inspired me to say, you know what, I’m going to up level my podcast. I got to really motivate for you too.

Priyal Jain
So talking about your inspiration and you’re about to become a dude. So let me tell you my example as well. When I enter into a community, I just apply to the duty program with my regional managers and regional manager loved and he knows. He said, like clearly you didn’t have any sections into that fab or something. How do you become duty?

Priyal Jain
You have applied to the duty that key. So like she said about like, let me tell you about that. You have to go to this along with sections of digital where you are already a public speaker. So that is not an issue. But you do have something to showcase to the team, to the building, so that they will consider you to become the guy for that.

Priyal Jain
So I was preparing for that so that I just came to know what we have to do to conduct the sessions. We have to we explore in that particular role of the Google product. So I’m already available and I have worked on Google technologies, such like Angular. Angular is a most widely used for the Google technology, so that makes me more inspired, but it’s not about me.

Priyal Jain
I’m going to have to become the advocate, become full web as well. But that was very initial time. I didn’t aware about such things that you have to move blah blah reservations. We have to be a public speaker. We have to explain each and every concept very gracefully. That is so much the steps. Yeah, I wanted to, but that it would be the right time.

Priyal Jain
I just apply again and had to be well, like yes, I won’t apply again for that. Same as it all up. Tell you about your inspiring story about this stuff I let me tell you about. I also want story the public speaking stage for for that. When I started a community that used to be at all times for the theme so I, I decided to do that I just a big the opportunities of so many events when used to do for that the public speaking but I just the proof for that the whole thing networking I used to take this opportunity to interact with my lead or something like I just want to take that

Priyal Jain
I this is would be more challenging for the speaking board and this confidence building any you have all about woman developers Academy Human Academy program is only about your to improve your public speaking skills, your confidence, your build and grow skills. This program will be held in each and every year to conducted each and every country like for the India, for the US, for the North America, for each and every aspect of human.

Priyal Jain
But again, me, the why did you do how you have assigned to the one mental they are and you will improve your public speaking your presentation skills. Your training is your confidence building the skills how to empower women, how to bring transparency, how to communicate with the people very gracefully. That is so much impacting to women. They make us program.

Priyal Jain
Women like me. Girls always give me the room resume alternative. Is that part of what I need? Woman And so that’s deadly. But it is all about any of that, not only any of the public. Speaking of skills, you have organization skills. You have the management skills. You are empowering women and people. All this you have to empower women.

Priyal Jain
To empower women. They can have the support of their women, something that is are the rumors as I sing about believes that inspiring she is doing so much amazing work more than magic Season five and she is doing broadcast and inviting all the women allies out there to encourage them to public to speak well. So there are lots of power to believe that she’s providing for my to think to the woman.

Priyal Jain
And she is giving so much opportunities to be and to nurture and glow and to showcase about your skills. And the most important thing which we want is only for platform like we need one platform to showcase our talent to tell about our own story is if we talk about to tell our own story room and also provide one workshop, tell your own story workshop.

Priyal Jain
If you not attended, I would suggest you to do that. Then that gracefully into that which be.

Philippa Burgess
What does that tell your story?

Priyal Jain
Workshop Now Tell your story workshop already conducted by the Global Team, our regional lead, like Kathleen getting that organized rebellious to leave workshop. I have attended that so I is not in once. I have attended twice actually, and we have that in breakout rooms as in every woman will tell about their own story and leadership. It would back in software development how long she has become their career and own career in need.

Priyal Jain
So this will become more confidence. Like when we talk once, when we talk out and story to the other people. This makes inspiring. When we give advice, the people When chatting to the people, there is a lot of stuff Why have woman take me? Because it’s not only about leadership. It means to each and every sector we are talking about, we have talked about.

Priyal Jain
I am remarkable is also initiative. Tell your story. Reframing your narrative. Woman de La Paz Academy this forward initiative. I already talked about that because and after that there is always a hub like where we used to interact with the other woman in the global goals. And apart from the global goals, there is so much programs that movement, because sessions conducted like these, you’ll see the link up to that of any involving mental sessions, such like networking sessions, like how to build your leadership skills, how to grow yourself much better in the there is all this people question about themself about leadership creativity in tech.

Priyal Jain
So it’s like imposter syndrome. Like am I doing it? I am I doing like why you are questioning about yourself again and like it. Just do it. If this dog is fine, it is right. It also find the people who will still make mistakes and people allow to make mistake, which I believe there is no that question of what we were like.

Priyal Jain
Why you are making mistakes. Everybody is learning with their own mistakes. So I’m just pushing to all the women, all the people out there. If you are doing mistake, that is also fine because the stick is not about like you’re repeating again and again. You’re learning from every then and and the next time. You’ll never do that. Like if we are speaking, if we see some world of feasible, So we know then what we are seeing.

Priyal Jain
But next time we we know that we know not have to repeat it again. So that is what we are learning from it, which I believe me, and the things that if I am editing something, if I am doing the podcast, will if I do bring up, she knows like but I have to start there. I have to stop there.

Priyal Jain
I have to come out of that. So this is all about the learning phase. You’re learning what you are doing initiatives. When you start digging initiatives you came to know about like what I have to do to make it better, to make it more better for that. So when you started doing the things, then you came to know.

Priyal Jain
So I just always have this question to the people, like why you do you does, you also like it’s fine people, a lot of people tell you about like, this is wrong, this is right. You know what is right? This is your life. This is your choice. It is your choice. Most importantly, I am very honored in my community programs.

Priyal Jain
There is so much there is a lot of opportunity for hosting, networking and so on. I usually think networking, but it’s because I think my engagement is very much better than my hosting. It’s not about I am questioning about my hosting, but like I don’t know about how it was. I hosted a format event and many community days and I love to build publics big deal.

Priyal Jain
But I know that how to engage with people. There is two different things of hosting and engaging with people. Hosting is completely different. Engaging with people is completely different. So I always tell the people that don’t do not really the same. Hosting is all about like when you are calling out to people, when you’re hosting the event, like your people are the speakers and you place them at the seed or something engaging with the people or something like you are interacting with the people, you are interacting with people with certain activity, which I am very good at.

Priyal Jain
As most of the people praised me for that. My engagement is very, very good for that. I engage with people very, very nicely there, which, which is nice, which we can say about. So after posting my first Order of Beauty program leading with the lecture, she also appreciated me. Like, you are very good in networking and engaging with the people.

Priyal Jain
I, I would suggest you to go that particular part. This is also part of speaking for this is not about like you have to do only hosting for each and every event. This is no such rule over there. It’s all about where you are comfortable will speak with something using with people or some because that is every each and every vertical to the speaker.

Priyal Jain
Some some people want to be a professional speaker only. Some people want to only networking and engaging with the people who speak about that. Speaking has always been a separate other part. The like filling vessel to host to the people you want to know with the people about their own story. So there is several things like which we can aspire to speak about that.

Priyal Jain
So and the more relevancy about speaking and we are different because it’s not about like high and low. There is always each and every vertical about speaking medical. You do something.

Philippa Burgess
Yes. You talk about so many things in there. For example, let’s start with I am remarkable. I again. Yes, I’ve heard about in and learned about through speaking with fellow women talk maker ambassadors. And I looked it up. I found a session that’s coming up, I think, in two weeks. So I’m ready.

Priyal Jain
I would like to host to I am remarkable because I am also I am remarkable especially because we both will discuss and we will do together. No, she wasn’t for that.

Philippa Burgess
Excellent. So, okay, so I’m taking the course and then I’m sure I’ll be given the information to facilitate and do it. So that’s that’s on my list. I applied for the Women Developers Academy and I was honestly, really nervous about whether I would be accepted or not. And then I was accepted. So I’m very happy that as of as a monday I start in the Google Developers Academy and not feel so good for me because I’m really wanting to move towards Judi.

Philippa Burgess
I know I have a lot of work and a lot of learning of things. I need to learn to move in that direction, but I’m really pleased to be part of that program. I think I will also have an opportunity to improve my own confidence, my own public speaking and I’m looking forward to that. And then you talked about another program.

Philippa Burgess
I was not familiar with that. I’m I’m just hearing for the first time.

Priyal Jain
Which is streaming your narrative.

Philippa Burgess
Yes. And the storytelling ones, I guess, to that I’m hearing for the first time.

Priyal Jain
Storytelling, reframing your narrative. This still will come again and again because in every, you know, like getting used to do this stuff, getting out is out of regional like woman because Global Ambassador, if you look at lean, you can see that women think because I compete like.

Philippa Burgess
Yeah she’s great and.

Priyal Jain
I but from that yes.

Philippa Burgess
Yes so I think so those are really great because I do think that this program is empowering and encouraging people to step out on stage and be better thought leaders. One tip that I was thinking about when you were talking about public speaking and just having courage, is my experience with it is that your audience will have as much fun as you are.

Philippa Burgess
If you’re enjoying yourself, you give your audience permission to enjoy themselves. If you’re nervous, you make your audience nervous, and if you’re uncomfortable, you make your audience uncomfortable. They are a mirror, and it can be a scary mirror because your if you if your goal is I don’t want to make my audience uncomfortable and I’m uncomfortable, it’s become it.

Philippa Burgess
It’s hard. You have to step it out with joy, confidence, a smile, and then immediately your audience is going to capture that and mirror that back to you. And so if anything, just leading with a smile and leading with loving your audience, respecting your audience, wanting to bring joy to your audience. And so when you radiate that joy, they capture and amplify that joy.

Priyal Jain
Yes, I totally agree with you. And there is one you get us when like when we used to do that speaking, there is a certain type of audience. Then we have a comfortable audience that is not as much speaking to VR. So how do you approach people to speak? There is a one question that each and every people have.

Priyal Jain
Like some people got nervous. If audience is not answering, why are you getting nervous? Who should speak again and again after repeating again again? Audience See something. In a way they are not saying something. It’s okay. It is not about that. They are. They don’t like your thing in general like anything. If they don’t like anything, they will tell you explicitly if they are liking something.

Priyal Jain
Sometimes people are hesitant to tell about, like if there is liking or not liking. So it is fine if you are saying something, if you are speaking something, if audience is not responding and some other person is not responding to you, I just suggest you to please not you to stop what you are saying. You should complete your sentences no matter what is our audience this morning or not.

Priyal Jain
I just to tell you to do your best because you have the good content or this will definitely this morning some day. No, no matter what.

Philippa Burgess
On the.

Priyal Jain

Philippa Burgess
Yeah. And the other study that was done about it was a question of about do women support women in the workplace and actually somebody got their PhD in this study. And what they were finding is because the study was done in the eighties, there were a lot of women who are at the bottom of corporations and men were at the top.

Philippa Burgess
And what it was is that they found that there were cultures, that women were very mean to each other and very backstabbing and not supportive of each other at all. But what they found is that actually it had nothing to do with gender, but it had to do with was with self esteem. If someone has high self esteem, they feel good about themselves, they have confidence and they want other people to feel good about themselves and they want to support other people in having that confidence as well.

Philippa Burgess
And if they go to a talk or a lecture, they’re rooting for that speaker to win. They’re looking for value that they get from that speaker. And in an assessment, they’re going to be very complimentary to the speaker. Wish them well, Have a nice day. And there’s nothing there’s sort of it’s impersonal. Someone with low self esteem is more likely to attack and say, well, I didn’t like this and I’m going to complain about this and I didn’t get value from that.

Philippa Burgess
And so a lot of the the response of how an audience is nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with how they perceive themselves, how much esteem they they have or do not have. And when you’re interacting with people with high levels of self esteem, you’ll find them to be very supportive, very collaborative, very much cheerleading you and getting on with their own life.

Philippa Burgess
Whereas when you deal with people who have low self esteem, if they feel stuck in that position and they don’t recognize that that’s what’s causing the problem. And a lot of times they’re surrounded by a lot of other people who are like them because they’re not getting ahead in the and they’re sort of pushed down to the bottom of organizations.

Philippa Burgess
Those are the people who will go out of their way to make it that if they’re having a bad day, you’re going to have a bad day, too.

Priyal Jain
So, yeah, you are talking about like movement supporting women. So in our community we have one or more ambassadors into our community. If we can see about. So then I used to do this kind of initiatives. So what I used to do that we don’t like asked each other like we want to do one of like this person will feel bad or not like this is my personal initiative to pick each and everything.

Priyal Jain
So we all would support each and each other like, Yup, y’all is doing something for this public speaking and everything. So now she can carry on with the things. Maybe she’s improving herself in their own journey so we don’t always in love with each other. This kind of initiative, always. We don’t always endeavor this kind of things. If somebody is doing something we should always appreciate in the being, like, Yeah, you are doing something and that is fine.

Priyal Jain
You have been you are managing your time and you are doing public speaking and anything like if, if it is your choice and it’s go, please go ahead. And nowadays we are talking about like women are the supporting women. That is the reason we are like yeah, and stop thinking about compatibility if we are compatible with other women’s allies, with your community, that is definitely like women supporting other women.

Priyal Jain
Like the second option is if you’re not compatible with other women, but you are leading it. So there is high chances of women do not support each other because then we don’t have any comfort. There’s some other people we don’t have understanding as to each other. So if you don’t have any understanding with each other, how do we get to know about that person?

Priyal Jain
Like how this person can be good at this field or not? So I personally prefer to try to understand people like whether it’s I like I’m being very transparent to the people that in good or bad, if I feeling some bad person, I would say to the people thinking straightly, this is my I am doing, I am right and I don’t feel bad at those because feelings are willing to is for you to leave.

Priyal Jain
It is good to tell the people at the back which I do not prefer. Mostly I do not people. I tell you the people are very good, especially because the person has got to the chance to improve themselves better, which I think it’s not about. I am telling people for their mistakes or something. It’s all work. We are making a better deal, making things more clear, making things more transparent, us to make more communicate vibrantly.

Priyal Jain
I personally tell to the people all of this, like if you don’t like such things that anything they will do this, I will do that. Just come to me, tell to me we will speak, we will communicate about the things maybe I do the things at very other intention. Maybe you are thinking other intention. What are intentions are very different, which I can say about our perspectives are different.

Priyal Jain
Maybe I’m doing certain things and very different intention and you are thinking in different ways. So maybe I get a line you better like what are you thinking and what I am thinking? But options is very, very important. We have both almost different perceptions of doing the thing. My purpose of doing this kind of engagement is all about my improvement and my public speaking times.

Priyal Jain
I see fastly sometimes I see slowly. It’s all about your excitement. It’s all about your enthusiasm, which I can see about. It’s all about your energy level in speaking your energy level is very, very much what’s important. How you are energized, the people, your energy, your voice, your enthusiasm, like how you bring to the people the things. It’s not like, okay, all so like at the end I would like to say about I would like to thank the Phillipa who gave me this opportunity to save so many years.

Priyal Jain
She would be speaking skills and all that stuff under discussions we talked about, about women. Think about how to speak well and a lot of things.

Philippa Burgess
Things I took away from what you were saying before is just having that joy when you’re on stage and having that confidence and that that growth mindset and that spirit of collaboration and that you’re there to serve, you’re there to inspire, you’re there to encourage you there to inform. And when you’re there with that spirit of service and you’re bringing this authentic joy and confidence is a great way to be in the world and you’re a lot more able to just move through and do what you do regardless of how it where other people are at.

Philippa Burgess
It’s, you know, as long as you’re coming with your joy, you’re on Center City, you’re bringing that spirit, that that that sense of collaboration, good opportunities are going to be attracted to you. People will have a good experience from that session. And that sounds like just a great, great way to be in the world.

Priyal Jain
Like, I just talk about we have we have said about like your journey, your resume and SEISS and about many more so after that too, I would like to end this thing like, yeah, just keep growing, keep doing, keep learning, and this things will never end. So that’s all my moral is as I am better now for this journey.

Priyal Jain
And I also keep trying for the new things, new opportunities and upcoming events. Upcoming things about new challenges, new speaking opportunities, new things of doing the things so there is so much things to do with your end. At my end. So you are a step, in fact to this. Do not forget to keep an active always if you know not keeping active that you only listening to the things, then we will have fun.

Priyal Jain
What we are doing, what we are painting so you don’t always do. And back to the people. You just also came to know about the things much better in the clear way. So always be able to do that. And I’m just not suggesting you to do the same.

Philippa Burgess
Just dig deeper into your work as a web developer because just talk about your background, how you got into web development, Why at this time, Web is is your favorite part of the the tech ecosystem? And yeah, just talk about your your work and your interest in in web.

Priyal Jain
So my mind just goes to there was something started my like after my college I I’m a very creative person like I used to but I was offended as well into my school. I got the best artist award into my school and I was offended. And after that I can go with the UX as well. But Bangor suffered a lot, but I just wanted to go that awareness.

Priyal Jain
The websites like Google and Facebook dot com, they think Facebook was very, very popular today as well. But there is lots of upset coming around with the competition after the merger, Instagram and lots of a lot of stuff. So I just used to see that holding a sign read. How will the 60 million users log how this box is displaying or the browser?

Priyal Jain
I just use about two other things. So that gives us about my interest and I going into the web and I started the journey, the internship I’ve known like basics of like, what is the road map over the Met? Like, what do you have to learn this? Remember of I just only remember one thing. When you have to go to target something, you have to remember that what are the steps you need instead?

Priyal Jain
What you have to learn to go to the first step. Like for starting the web development you have, you must learn to use this. I was like, What are the basic wizard of the things that I’ve gained, the skills of that, the ability? Is it still learning? Because this is knowing that was it is very, very vast and our script has no way.

Priyal Jain
Every days this come with the new features and new technologies. You have to keep learning and during your belly, which I believe because technology has known, as you talked about, you would be a cloud, these are updating daily emerging new technologies. So we have to keep updated, focused daily. You do Now, you knew technology trends and so on.

Priyal Jain
How backbone that.

Philippa Burgess
And where do you go and how how do you learn? Are you learning by doing you were learning through just reading the news about it. Are you learning through community? Like what are your learning resources? Do you take supplementary courses? Books? What? What’s the book? So get books are hard because they they out date pretty quickly, though there’s still ample books written about all technology, so they’re still a valuable resource I use.

Priyal Jain
I prefer the pros practically, because theoretically they were always read into the mind, but practically always remember that what you are doing. So after doing the things I learned vividly, like what you have to do this. I just keep googling, googling and just do like how to make, for example. So practical implementation I always did and I just learned by the activity I started community after learning that basics of astigmatism and that was after getting a job.

Priyal Jain
I get into the community, so I must say before community I started learning with the web, but after the community I got so many opportunities into web development and learning. But with the with the mentorship of Google Expert, I knew I worked with them. I learned with them like how to do what are the best practices, what are the best approaches.

Priyal Jain
I learned and gained experience so that that gave me the good opportunities that I believe.

Philippa Burgess
that’s fantastic. That’s so. Okay. So now, given that we are grounded in in your experience and your interest, how did Google IO add to that to add to that base of knowledge? And you said it’s obviously continuing to learn what were some of your things that you were most interested in and some of your big takeaways?

Priyal Jain
So like, I don’t know about everybody, but according to me it was, as I said, was my first event. So my first event of fact was not honestly like was not that much I connected with the Google IO. I just still had the word Google. I connect, Google, I connect and I just go with the re. I just know that yeah, there would be lots of networking and so many equity which I came around with.

Priyal Jain
I just go with that kind of vision, but I think is important all in. Do I as a professional there would be like in Google I connect as well, but my main motive was not detect to need people to interact and gain the experience of that to event. That was my main motive.

Philippa Burgess
I recently attended an event in a different industry because I studied geospatial, so I’m looking at things that are about the place where where is our data science in on a map or on our globe? And there’s a group that’s called Ezri that does a lot of the software for the science of where. And I had gone to my first conference with them and I wasn’t that interested in the sessions.

Philippa Burgess
I was interested in the Expo floor, I was interested in talking to people and asking questions and learning about their experience and the technologies that they were promoting or the services or their business. And it was just the the opportunity to talk to people was so informative for me and also I felt that the more conversations I had, the more I got a window into I want say, my own soul in relationship to this work.

Philippa Burgess
Because did you find yourself in any way saying the same thing to people as you introduced yourself because you talked to so many people and, and realizing that you’re like, yeah, that is true about myself. I didn’t I never saw it that way before. But now that I’ve had to explain it again and again and again, I see new perspectives of the work I do, how I got here, what I offer, what I’m learning.

Philippa Burgess
I don’t know. There was something about talking to that many people that quickly that you find. I don’t know. I found new insights for myself.

Priyal Jain
Agree agreed to this. So inspiring. You’ve talked about your like in day to day about your background and many things that is so inspiring to me. So very, very appreciating. So my takeaways as a tech professional, the general public, as I talked about for the mean purposes for networking and I enjoyed about them working with you people Googlers and their my internship like how I do better in web.

Priyal Jain
Like what are the main challenges, best practices, angle or some frameworks. So some people tell about their experience of doing or in web role. Like you can do this thing, you can do this better, like just go the Google. I will going to I’m going to Google, I connect website and the see that there would be so much web agenda stopping there.

Priyal Jain
So you really will get to know something I made with the speaker, which was coming from abroad. So they have so a lot of experience in web accessibility like how you can inform improve the performance like performance is really matters, like you’re increasing the application faster. So there is so much you have to learn like how you can learn this thing best practices so that I can to know, to talk to the people.

Priyal Jain
As I talk about my role in tech as an I’m a believer and you’re connected with that or I just to give my role in back to the speaker. So we get to know each other. And they told me about how you can improve as you learn how going interview or how you have to learn a lot into all of that because it is also updated day by day.

Priyal Jain
And if you talk about EIA like people used to do tangibility or some other ideals they have used to like explored about the web or any any certain technologies people used to, and a list of all the changes with the EIA machine learning or TensorFlow cloud people are used to doing and now certifications. So keep updated and and having the knowledge is not any having issue being of available is not about like I’ve have something this tool on the web development but or not having the knowledge or it is a good thing which I believe because you must know everything that will come in any way.

Priyal Jain
I know of the that my or your with the Google I o how I experience is the ambassador is very amazing. because I attended the woman specific events and in Greece I’ve seen that there was you a remember of diversity and the people are very very empowering encouragement so there are lots of women who inspired us with their role models or many more.

Priyal Jain
And apart from that, like if we talk about who conducted the Google, I will events like in in no, we have 4 to 5 ambassadors nowadays. Whatever damage conducted independently which we can see today because WDM is not about only dependent or on DVD, the refugee or any Google community do nowadays. WDM is having its own like they can be visited according to their own or profile they are reading or they can be inspiring.

Priyal Jain
So people are nowadays becoming human as ambassador without having any community authentic. So that is very appreciating. That is a very good thing that many men are becoming ambassador and empowering other women. So that which I believe. So the way we have supported something like I believe in very communication and transparency. So I just want to tell about one more thing that if we are like if we are like board, we are on in seem like we are, we have to go coordinate, we have to communicate.

Priyal Jain
The main thing is really matters because we have to keep the good one because the good morning things will go great, which I believe only work relations doesn’t matter. It doesn’t work out, which I believe. We have to make the good personal bond as well, because it will help us to of make the good work as well with the team.

Priyal Jain
If we we are only like a professional wise, then we will talk even after that because we then after that we don’t know each other. We don’t understand each other, how we can coordinate and contribute with each other, how we can support each other without knowing the things I believe and the in my community. I although we have a four girls, so we have one in the knowledge that we have two in the north as a team ambassador who inspired us with a lot of stuff and we used to learn with them as well.

Priyal Jain
I believe that we always have two things additions, feedback with everybody, so that we also have to know about the things. And I usually before that a board like I usually coordinate and resolve the conflicts with the people, try to resolve the conflict with the people because I love being transparent. and it is not about explaining or something like I believe that if we going with the things to be very straight and clear, that would be very nice to do the work.

Priyal Jain
And that will not create any misunderstandings, which I believe I instead of back or in any pink as a WTO member said, that we have to be ready, go see it and feel we as a woman. And because, Ambassador, we don’t have to be very, very bad or competition or something because we all have to work together. It is not only about you and the ambassadors, it’s all about all India.

Priyal Jain
Ambassadors have to support and work with each other so that we are doing we have a goal and we usually brainstorm at ideas like how we can do good. If somebody has something a good story to inspired, then we will usually highlight them on our social channels or anywhere to make a praise or to appreciate, or because appreciation is very important, which we believe in.

Philippa Burgess
So my next question to you is speaking. Let’s let’s get to shift the conversation a little bit, because we’re speaking as fellow tech makers, ambassadors to each other. We’re speaking about women in tech. But also let’s talk a little bit about consumers, our listeners at this point could be in any field, in any application, but we all, every single one of us every day touches and interfaces with websites.

Philippa Burgess
So it’s a two part question. One is just for the all of us who engage in web, what are we looking for? You mentioned this idea of speed and just the that the low time is quick and it’s obviously it does what you want it to do. So as a user experience, what advice do you have that what should users be paying attention to or what don’t they see that you’re thinking really hard about to make sure that their experience is a good one?

Priyal Jain
And can you talk about any website like idea? So this means we are brainstorming and ideas like what we have to do with the feature, like due to the very product, product understanding, like what do you have to do where we have to? He that there is a two icons that very do icons book for writing should be very very proper.

Priyal Jain
Your title, your color combinations and the theme is very important with which I can see the look and feel of the website, your security, your logging authentication and your accessibility, which your web accessibility is very, very important. So yeah, you are that I agree to your all of your concerns. Any questions.

Philippa Burgess
Yeah. No it’s it’s it’s important I think, to see that your role as I see it is you’re a key member of both the marketing department because everything that you’re thinking about is thinking about marketing. How do we present ourselves and have a positive user experience? You’re also part of operations because everything has to work, Everything has to be secure, everything has to be functional and you’re part of rub ops because if all of this falls apart, the company is not is is going to lose money.

Philippa Burgess
And obviously there’s an investment that’s made in web, but there’s a reason for it because it secures money, it generates money, and it’s an important part of operations for a company. And it is it’s something that needs to be taken seriously and that the people that you work with can align with your team, with their vision and understanding of marketing, and then how you guys can collaborate together, expand each other’s knowledge, and ultimately end up with a product that you’re you’re proud of.

Priyal Jain
That is so agree like your takeaways, your role and your take domain is very, very important role play in your tech. Yeah. If you want to learn about how to start your roadmap with the web development, you can go to the Google. And it’s not about achievements. Yes, it’s JavaScript basics. I do Google tutorials, W3C schools and many more Udemy materials and you can create your own website.

Priyal Jain
Your portfolio is very important as you are involved in tech or any any technology, your portfolio, your showcase, your product and technology is very, very important. So just keep in mind that.

Philippa Burgess
You and I both definitely intersect at that. We are creatives and we are technologists.

Priyal Jain
And can be anything but. So you can do, you can start your own journey that be so inspiring. Thank you so much, Philip. You are giving me this opportunity.

Philippa Burgess
Hall Excellent. Well, I thank you so much for joining us today. And this has been great and love hearing from you and love that you have become part of my community and one of my regular speakers. Now, given that this is our third opportunity so people can hear more about what you have to say and the International Women’s Day dare to be video that’s on the Music Metrics channel and also in the Google I o extended as you participated in Google IO and shared your experience there as a an attendee and that is intercut with actual talks from the keynote and the sessions from IO Connect and Mountain View.

Philippa Burgess
And now here on Music Metrics Season five as part of our lineup of speakers that is become global. I am so excited that I have guests from South Asia and from Africa and from Europe and from Australia. So I have a wonderful international guest list on this season as well as those in North America.



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