Flower Message: How Can I be Service to Others?

Tania Ho
6 min readApr 28, 2016


This week’s Museflower: Nymphaea pubescens

My journey with this week’s Museflower:

“I’d imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn’t be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason. And that means you have to be here for some reason, too.”

~ Hugo Cabret in ,“Hugo” the movie

Do you know why you are here?

How can you be of service to others?

That’s what this beautiful pink waterlily flower asked me the other day.

While I was meditating with this flower, suddenly something became clear. Like the muddy pond that this Warrior of Light stems from, the mind is no longer ‘muddled’ and an insight arrives.

Often times we get caught up in our own ego’s mind games. For example, when we doubt our own abilities, or think that we are not good enough to do this or do that. We sink into a depression state, and we forget the reason why we are doing what we are doing at the first place.

Recently I’ve been thinking to create and conduct new workshops for our guests here. Then my mind started to get caught up with my own limiting belief: I’m not good enough to do it. Why would people want to listen to what I have to say?

I became completely overwhelmed by my own depressing thoughts. I wallowed in self-doubt and self-pity the entire night.

But seeing this flower, the Warrior of Light, it reminds me of the roles we play in our lives. This is not about me. This is about serving and helping others. When I get caught up in my own mind drama, I miss the opportunity to help other people. I miss the opportunity to create something better.

What true service is — it is knowing our own role in this world and being our own authentic true self.

Like one of my favorite movies, Hugo, we are all part of this giant big clock called Earth.

No matter how big or small each part is, without that part, the clock cannot move forward and do its job. So each part has its own unique purpose.

This Warrior of Light reminds me to shift my focus back to service.

And that — is Service — to myself.

Unbalanced aspect:

The unbalanced Warrior of Light get caught up with their mind a lot and are scatter-brained. They lose focus on what they are supposed to do here on Earth. They have difficulties making decisions, and even if they have made one, they will change their mind again. They become too focused on their ‘ego’ and drama in their life.

There are two unbalanced extremes. One extreme is those who are self-centered and only think of themselves. They need others to help them constantly, and they rarely take any responsibilities for their lives.

The other extreme is those who are only taking care of other people and forget about themselves. They are so ready to serve others, but part of the reason is because they want to please other people. They are busy playing the caretaker role and are often overwhelmed by responsibilities. Then they become emotionally drained, and eventually resentful of those who they have to take care of.

Both extremes have lost their balance and understanding of what true service is.

Balanced aspect:

This Warrior of Light is strongly rooted in their purpose of life. They are extremely grounded, and they know what their role is in the world.

They use their skills and knowledge to their best to serve out their role. They understand that their role may change from time to time, because they are not meant to be fixated at only one role in one lifetime.

They are not afraid of ‘muddy’ challenges and struggles. They know that these are only lessons to help them evolve and grow stronger so they can become a better version of themselves.

When negative emotions surface, they embrace them but are not attached to these emotions. They allow these emotions to be fully expressed, like being hit by a strong windstorm. They understand that only after the ‘windstorm’, a treasure can be revealed — which is life wisdom.

They have a healthy self-esteem and are emotionally balanced. They also know that being of service to others doesn’t mean that they neglect their own health. Being of service to others means that they have to take care of themselves first actually. Only by being their true and authentic self, can they then inspire others and truly be of service to others.

Does this week’s flower message resonate with you? Have you experienced what I have? If so, I would love to know. Please share your comment below.

Knowing that someone actually reads and appreciates this message really help me keep on writing. Thank you!

What is Flower Message?

With every flower message, I sit down with the flower and listen with my intuition. I will first start one sentence that summarizes the topic of this week’s flower. I will also use a nickname for the flower instead of using its official name. The nickname is usually related to the flower’s topic. Then I will delve into what the unbalanced and balanced aspect of the flower. In some way when we resonate with the topic of this flower, it’s because we have some part of the unbalanced aspect of the flower, and the flower will help bring us back to the balanced aspect. This is mostly a personal journey, but I realize sometimes other people do share what I’m going through at the same time. Hence the flower message is born.

How to Use this?

Observe and reflect if this week’s topic is relevant to you in any way. Do you notice the unbalanced aspect of the flower in you? Or do you feel balanced for this topic? Is this what you’ve been learning recently? Is this a topic that you resonate with? Meditate with the message. Have fun with it. Be mindful and most importantly, listen — listen to your soul’s voice within.

Why Flower Message?

Flowers and flower essences have always inspired me. They are my muse (hence — the brand name ‘Museflower’). Not only their beauty but their energy and the information they carry through are awe-inspiring. They are such a great healing tool in our spiritual journey and they love to help us humans.

Please return the love by appreciating the flowers you pass by. Sit down and listen to their stories. You will see that flowers have so much wisdom to share. Thank you.

About Tania Ho

Founder and owner of Museflower Retreat & Spa, Tania is a Hong Kong native who now makes her home at the retreat in Chiang Rai. Trained in a number of holistic therapies including Flower Essence consultation and Hado Counseling, Tania believes that healing can take place when we start making changes from within, and it starts from listening to the voice of our soul within.

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Tania Ho

Founder & Owner of Museflower Retreat & Spa, Chiang Rai, Thailand