Super App the way to go!

Meghan Kachhi
2 min readOct 28, 2023


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Do you have at least 12 different apps open at one time on your phone? Are you constantly switching between checking your portfolio on Robinhood, reading about current trends on X, having a FaceTime call with your friend while looking for deals on Amazon? Well, all these “swivel chair” operations are coming to an end with the advent of “Super App” in the US.

Recently, X (formerly Twitter) was in news to strategize its direction from microblogging/social media app towards being a “super app“. Now, this concept of Super App is not new and has been in the industry for a while (at least in APJC region) with key players such as WeChat, Alipay, Paytm, Gojek, etc. But why the rise of Super App is inevitable globally?

Here are the top 5 reasons:

🚀 Consumer Convenience: Super apps simplify users’ lives by offering a one-stop solution for a multitude of tasks, reducing the need to navigate through various apps for different purposes.

⏱️ Efficiency and Time-Saving: With a super app, users save valuable time by performing multiple tasks within a single platform, aligning with the fast-paced modern lifestyle.

💰 Cost Savings: These apps often negotiate partnerships, providing users with discounts and cost-effective solutions, making them a financially attractive choice.

📈 Business Opportunities: Super apps offer businesses the chance to tap into a vast user base, expanding their reach and customer base.

📊 Data Collection and Personalization: Super apps collect extensive user data, allowing for highly personalized experiences, which keeps users engaged and satisfied.

In conclusion, the rise of super apps is driven by a combination of factors, including user demand for convenience, efficiency, and cost savings. These platforms have already demonstrated their success in various parts of the world and are well-positioned to expand further.

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