The Kuleana Spirit

Muse Spells
2 min readNov 28, 2022


Picture of Rainbow of Oahu, Credit: Steven Busing

Kuleana is a Hawaiian term, which when loosely translated means “responsibility”.

This term is unique as the “responsibility” it is referring to slightly differs, yet combines the typical definition associated with the word known to the Western (individualistic) and Eastern (Collective) mind.

The Hawaiian term Kuleana emphasizes reciprocation and requires an understanding of the significant role the individual (self), collective (family/friends/others/society), and the environment plays in daily life.

The Individual (Self)

Each person has a kuleana or “responsibility” for the self.

Responsibility for the individual self includes: listening to our intuition, following our dreams, working towards our goals, and maintaining our health.Such responsibilities of the self play a role in the reciprocal relationship that exists with the collective and environment.

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we can be there for others and fulfill the responsibilities we have with them. A healthy lifestyle also holds the potential in nurturing the environment that nourishes us as we plant and grow our own food, shop more organically, use reusable items, etc.

Working towards our goals can lead us to learn more about our environment and become steps closer to fulfilling our purpose-which itself can benefit the collective and or environment.

The Collective

Photo from Hawaiʻinuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge

The collective responsibility refers to the responsibilities we with our family, groups and organizations we are a part of, and the local community.

Kuleana emphasizes the responsibilities that come with family including security, care, nurturance, and respect. We also have a responsibility towards our culture, to honor it and respect it by practicing its customs, rituals, and norms just as we follow the norms evident within our own community.

Kuleana also stresses the role the local community and collective play in creating and maintaining a health environment.

The Environment

Kuleana overall is stressing the role and significance of the reciprocal relationship the self and collective have with earth.

Kuleana is constantly reminding us that the environment will takes care of us as long as we honor and take care of it.

