This is how Humans Will Survive on Mars

7 min readAug 18, 2023


Elon Musk’s plan to put humans on Mars is no less than a fantasy or fiction story. Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla and Space X, plans to build a full human city on Mars by 2050, in which one million people can live, and that too without the help of Earth. Elon Musk’s plan was ridiculed, but people started believing in this dream of a Mars Colonizer when NASA also joined Space X’s Mars mission. For the last several years, Space X has made a lot of progress in rocket technology.

As we know, Elon Musk’s company, Tesla, is also an expert in making electric autopilot cars. Similarly, such technology has been used in SpaceX’s rocket, which has the ability to reach space using minimal fuel. A special starship is being built to bring humans to Mars, which is 62 million kilometers away from Earth. According to Elon Musk, the batteries used in Tesla will operate on the battery fuel will be used sparingly. By March, it will deliver humans.

But the question arises: how will a colony of humans on Mars be possible? After all, why do Elon Musk and NASA want to leave this green earth and settle humans on this barren Mars land? There is no oxygen to breathe, no food, or a place to hide the head in a cold of minus one hundred degrees Celsius. When there is no basic facility for humans to live there, how will it be possible to create a human colony on Mars?

First of all, let’s talk about why, when all the natural facilities for human living are present on this earth, there is no need to send humans to Mars. Whatever research was being done on the health of our planet Earth for the last several centuries, sadly, the results of all that research have come back negative. Scientists say that since humans started using fossil fuels like gasoline and gas, the temperature of the earth has been increasing, and there will come a time when this temperature will be so high that it will not be possible for any living person to live on earth.

According to a survey, the average temperature of the earth is increasing by zero point one six degrees Celsius every 10 years. That is, if all this continues like this, then it will not be possible for humans to live there after 100 years. Due to the increase in temperature, glaciers are also melting, due to which the chances of floods, cyclones, and tsunamis are also increasing. It’s not just about using fuel. This pollution has also damaged the ozone layer on our planet.

According to a survey, the average temperature of the earth is increasing by 0.16 degrees Celsius every 10 years. That is, if all this continues like this, then it will not be possible for humans to live there after 100 years. Due to the increase in temperature, glaciers are also melting, due to which the chances of floods, cyclones, and tsunamis are also increasing. It’s not just about using fuel. This pollution has also damaged the ozone layer on our planet. The ozone layer that protects us from the deadly rays emanating from the sun is also gradually getting damaged.

That is, the heat generated by pollution on one side and the terrible solar radiation on the other. One thing has been confirmed: one day our earth will not be able to live, and this is the reason why we humans are looking for a second home for ourselves, a second planet. But why only Mars? In our solar system, there are several other planets. So why is Mars being chosen?

In our solar system, one of our neighbours is Planet Venus, and the other is Mars Venus, which is much closer to Earth than Mars. But we can’t go there because that’s all we’re running away from — the heat. Yes, Venus is the second planet to revolve around the sun, where the heat is so intense that even iron is melted. On the other side is our neighbour Mars, which is the fourth planet to revolve around the sun. Where there is no fire like Venus, but where winter is more than the Arctic region of the earth. It’s not just the harsh winter that makes it difficult for humans on Mars; there’s neither oxygen nor water. That is, the basic facilities for human survival are also not present there.

Despite knowing all these conditions, what is the plan that NASA and Elon Musk have to keep humans alive on Mars? According to Elon Musk’s plan, a small group of humans will go to Mars in 2026. This group will have everything they need to live for at least two years. That is, food, oxygen, and pressurized suits, but before this group goes there, it is very important to build a protective shelter on Mars. Because the terrible storm of soil on Mars affects humans. It can cause harm. These protective shelters will be built from the soil present on Mars. But when there are no humans on Mars, who will build this shelter?

Surprisingly, robots will create shelter on Mars. Artificial intelligence robots will be sent to Mars before humans. These will be a special type of robot that will be able to work in different parts, but if needed, they will also be able to connect with each other. These robots will be able to work much faster than humans, including with cameras, sensors, excavators for digging soil, and 3D printer units. These solar-powered robots will first find a special type of soil with the help of sensors.

It will set up his base unit at the place where he will find more special soil. Among these robots, some will be digging, and small robots will collect the soil. This soil will be taken to the refining unit. After refining, this soil will be delivered to the 3D printer unit, where it will be 3D printed one by one. This work will continue like this for several months, which can be monitored even by sitting on earth. After the shelter is completed, the second phase of the robot will start.

Now a group of humans will land on Mars for the first time. That’s why they will also have a lot of stuff. The robots on Mars will welcome humans there. Their belongings will be picked up and taken from the landing site to the base unit, and small units will be placed inside the shelter of the base unit, which will automatically become insulated because the atmospheric pressure on Mars is very low. For this reason, humans will live in these pressurized units. That is, artificial pressure will be created in these units, like on Earth. All these pressurized cabins will be connected to each other and will be installed with the help of a solar foam robot to give them electricity.

If a person has to go out of the base unit, then a special vehicle will come through the cabin door and fix it so that the pressure inside does not leak by opening the door. Now it will be time to build a greenhouse on Mars so that vegetations can be done there. According to scientific research, only potatoes and beans can be planted on Mars. As the plants grow inside the greenhouse, one thing will come out of them that is very important on Mars, and that is oxygen. Yes, this plant will also give oxygen to humans in addition to vegetables on Mars.

But this oxygen will not be so much. Therefore, arrangements will also be made to make oxygen on Mars as soon as possible. Surprisingly, this experiment has already been done by the Mars Rover. A special device that will operate through solar energy will take carbon dioxide from the Martian atmosphere and pass heat and electrical current through it, so that oxygen will be separated from carbon dioxide and that oxygen will be collected. That is, now a small team of humans will also be able to make oxygen there. They have only two dishes to eat, but at least they will have food and frozen water will be available under the land of Mars. If the frozen water on Mars is already broken, then water will also be made by melting that ice.

One thing out of 100 things. Humans sent to Mars will be able to survive without the help of Earth and return to Earth when the time comes. You can also leave. But will it all go on like this? Will people going to Mars never get out of their cabins? If you have to live a similar life by going to Mars, then what was the need for so much effort? Scientists do not have a solution to this issue, but they believe that if some changes are made in the Atmosphere of Mars, which increases the temperature of Mars, then maybe in the next 100 or 200 years, Mars can be as green as we think it is now.

According to science, increasing the temperature of Mars can bring life there again, and it will be difficult to believe the ideas being given for this work. Margarita Marinova, an MIT student, has an idea: with the help of robots on Mars, many factories can be built. Their work will just create greenhouse gas in the morning, noon, evening, and night. Through it, much greenhouse gas will be made, and we all know that greenhouse gas can store temperature. So, it will happen as it is already happening on earth. That is the greenhouse effect.

Besides, Elon Musk has an idea about it. Which is, according to Elon Musk, if 10,000 atomic bombs are dropped on Mars, then Mars’ ice will melt, and its overall temperature will increase.

Till now, scientists and Elon Musk have this idea that in 2026, some scientists will first go there and do many experiments. After 200 years, when Mars and Earth come close to each other, many humans will be sent there. Till 2050, humans will stay in such pressurized cabins, and gradually Mars temperature will increase. According to their plans, after 100 to 200 years, Mars will be as green as today’s Earth.




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