StayAtHome — Learn Piano Free

4 min readApr 18, 2020

Stuck at home due to coronavirus? To help you cope, Musiah is giving away a month of free piano lessons!

Smiling woman at piano keyboard with Musiah (a piano lessons app) displayed on her iPad.

With so much time on your hands, piano lessons online with Musiah (the world’s first AI piano teacher) are the perfect way for you and your family to while away the hours.

After all, entertainment — tv, video games, surfing the net — will only get you so far. Sooner or later you’ll be crawling up the walls if you don’t do something more meaningful with your time… something that nourishes the mind and soul, and makes you feel alive!

And if you have kids, Musiah is a real sanity saver… just plug in a pair of headphones while they learn, and treat yourself to a much deserved break.

Why is learning piano the perfect solution?

Because you can literally use this period of self isolation to change your life!

The other day I read a quote from Bob Proctor that said:

“God’s gift to you is more talent and ability than you could use in a hundred lifetimes. Your gift to God is to develop and use as much of that talent and ability as you can in this lifetime.”

It got me thinking; one of the great things about learning piano is that it is an ongoing journey through which you discover and recognize more and more of your true potential as you progress through different songs and learn new skills.

When you create music by playing piano, it doesn’t matter whether you are fat or thin, white or black, rich or poor. You may appear painfully ordinary in every respect, but when you share your gift with others, you give them a glimpse of the real you — the you that is capable of creating something of great beauty that transcends the barriers people build between themselves and others. You awaken in your audience the realization that there is more to you — and by extension to themselves — than meets to the eye.

Who among us does not move through life with the hidden sense that we are destined for more? That given the right opportunity, the right stage, the right audience, we would shine as the stars we truly are?

There is a reason for that — It’s because you are right! You do have incredible, limitless potential.

And as a human being, it is in your nature to create and dream and be the best version of you that you can possibly be.

Even at the best of times, many of us find that life gets in the way. We can’t always physically get to music lessons, or fit them into our busy schedules, or even afford them.

But now that you’re stuck at home due to the coronavirus pandemic, you have an excess of time on your hands… which means you have a fantastic opportunity.

And Musiah is here to help.

Get a free month of piano lessons with this Promo Code: ‘COVID-19’

Normally we offer a free trial — 14 days of unlimited free piano lessons — but if you enter the promo code: COVID-19 during sign-up, we’ll double your free trial to 28 days*.

*New customers only. Offer ends 30 April 2020. Musiah works by connecting a MIDI keyboard to an iPad or computer. Learn how

So now up to 6 (yes, SIX) members of your family (including you) can all learn piano at a time that suits you without ever having to leave your home — completely free for a month.

If God’s gift to you is limitless talent and potential, Musiah’s gift to you is the opportunity to start developing your potential right now.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Is Musiah a good way to learn piano?

Absolutely… Musiah is the only app that teaches you just like a live teacher.

He (Musiah) speaks to you, points to the sheet music and guides you step by step. There is no piano teaching system in the world like it.

From note-reading to rhythm, scales to chords, ear training to memory training, music theory, playing technique and more, you’ll receive a comprehensive music education.

“Musiah is so incredibly effective that students learn up to 16 times faster compared to when we used to teach the same syllabus in schools with live teachers,”

says Brendan Hogan L.Mus.A, A.Mus.A, piano teaching expert and Musiah inventor.

The Musiah course takes you from beginner to advanced in the shortest time possible, giving you real skills. Before you know it, you’ll be able to teach yourself any song you choose just by reading the sheet music.

“I cannot thank you enough for this amazing software. There are times after completing a lesson when I am overwhelmed with gratitude to the point of tears. I do believe you have forever changed my life,”

says Rebecca Ramirez of Hemet, Calif., one of many delighted Musiah customers.

No other piano method has been so extensively tested in the real world and continually re-worked and improved upon to bring you the unique approach to learning piano that only Musiah can offer.

Musiah is not just piano lessons. It’s a deeply considered holistic approach to learning and self-development that empowers students to realize their true learning potential.

Thanks for reading, and if you or someone you love would like to start your life-changing piano lessons journey, we warmly invite you to take your first step now.





I'm Musiah, the first ever A.I. virtual piano teacher. To find out more about the best FREE computer piano lessons in the galaxy, visit my website or follow me.