Cover Songs Fill Our Airwaves — But the Performers Never Get a Dime from Big RadioIt’s time to give hardworking artists who make (and remake) the songs we love the respect and compensation they deserve.Aug 17, 20231Aug 17, 20231
5 Reasons 2023 Will Be the Year We Finish the Fight for Music FairnessBy Congressman Joe Crowley, Chairman of the musicFIRST CoalitionFeb 3, 20231Feb 3, 20231
Songs of the Summer: Thousands of Radio Plays, Zero Compensation for ArtistsEvery summer, one songs rises to the top of the charts. And every summer, the performers who made the song get stiffed by Big Radio.Aug 30, 2022Aug 30, 2022
Dear Broadcasters: Music Fairness Is About Struggling Artists, Not MeBig Radio is desperately trying to hide its own greed and mistreatment of music creators.Jul 12, 2022Jul 12, 2022
Principles for Achieving Music FairnessCongressman Joe Crowley lays out the core principles guiding musicFIRST’s fight for artists and music creators.Jun 9, 2022Jun 9, 2022
What You Need to Know about U.S. Senator Wyden’s ACCESS BillSenator Ron Wyden’s (D-OR) music bill was crafted by and for academics and “public interest” groups who are committed to weakening…Jun 7, 2018Jun 7, 2018
In the age of Spotify, radio stations should no longer get away with playing music for freeOp Ed by musicFirst Executive Director Chris Israel in QuartzFeb 12, 20171Feb 12, 20171
New Study Reveals Radio Is Getting A Free RideFor years, AM/FM radio has been playing music on the air without paying any royalty to performers. The National Association of Broadcasters…Nov 16, 2016Nov 16, 2016
Poor, little NAB — but really, rich and big NABLast week, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Wheeler announced the FCC would maintain most of the media ownership rules that…Jul 18, 2016Jul 18, 2016