Understanding How to Scoop the Mids on Your Guitar

Music Toob
3 min readJun 29, 2023


If you’re new to playing the guitar, you may have come across the term “scoop the mids” and wondered what it means. This technique is often utilized in specific music genres and can be quite useful during performances. If you’re interested in learning how to scoop the mids on your guitar, this article is here to guide you.

Let’s Start with Mids

To grasp the concept of scooping the mids, it’s important to understand what “mids” refer to. In simple terms, mids represent the midrange frequencies of a sound, which include the tone of your guitar and amplifier. The midrange consists of both high frequencies, known as treble, and low frequencies, known as bass. Since the midrange contributes significantly to the guitar’s overall sound, reducing these frequencies can make the sound more transparent.

What Does Scoop the Mids Mean?

“Scoop the mids” essentially means reducing the midrange frequencies on your amplifier. Most amplifiers have a dedicated “mids” knob as part of their equalizer (EQ) settings. However, if your amplifier features a graphic EQ, the scooped mids may resemble a V shape or a smiley face.

How to Scoop the Mids

To scoop the mids, simply turn down the mid knob on your amplifier all the way to zero and raise the bass and treble knobs above the midpoint. If your amplifier doesn’t have a dedicated mid knob, you can use an EQ pedal instead. Place the EQ pedal in front of your amp and follow the same process: reduce the mid knob and increase the bass and treble knobs.

Benefits of Scooping the Mids

Scooping the mids can be particularly advantageous if you play metal music. It provides a crunchy sound that works well for rhythm guitar parts. Additionally, it creates more space for the lead guitar to cut through, which is especially beneficial in extreme metal genres. Another advantage of scooping the mids is that different amps have unique midranges, so scooping them can help you achieve a distinctive sound that sets your amp apart.

Considerations Against Scooping the Mids

While scooping the mids may be desirable for achieving a metal tone, many guitarists in this genre tend to avoid it due to its limitations. Scooped mids sound best when playing alone, but they may not blend well in group settings. Guitarists who frequently scoop the mids might struggle to harmonize with other musicians.

When you scoop the mids, your guitar’s sound may get lost amidst other instruments in a band. The bass guitar and kick drum can overpower your bass frequencies, and the cymbals may overshadow the high-end. Moreover, the midrange is the space where the guitar should occupy, and scooping the mids can make you feel disconnected from the overall sound.

Another drawback of scooping the mids is that turning up the volume can result in excessively loud and unclear sounds. Additionally, this technique may produce a harsh, shrill tone that suits metal players but may not be desirable for guitarists in non-metal genres.

In conclusion, scooping the mids is a technique that can enhance your guitar’s sound in specific music genres, particularly in metal. However, it’s important to consider the drawbacks, such as potential difficulties harmonizing in group settings and the loss of midrange presence. Understanding the pros and cons will help you make an informed decision about whether to scoop the mids based on your preferred playing style and musical context.



Music Toob

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