A Student of Life Forever

2 min readJun 17, 2017


I believe that when you choose to be a student of life, you open yourself to limitless opportunities.

Life will always present you with two choices — Either you make a decision and live the experience or don’t react at all. It’s up to you. But until you don’t learn your life lessons and evolve, you won’t unfold your life purpose.

Listening to your inner voice is the key to finding out what you are meant to do with your life. Practicing careful listening to that quiet voice inside that speaks to you will help you find yourself. As quoted by Parker Palmer “Before you tell your life what you intend to do with it, listen for what it intends to do with you.”

Open yourself to new possibilities. Be receptive. Enrich your life with new stories. Trust your instincts when in doubt. Don’t compromise on your values — ever.

When you follow your curiosity and allow yourself to be lead by why what moves you, you find yourself. And when you tune into your inner self you find meaning in everything you do.

Dedicated to everyone seeking inspiration, motivation and finding their life purpose.

So say “yes” to new stories, live in the moment and walk the path even though you may not know where it leads you.

Remain Curious Always and Be Awesome!

Live & Learn.




As a striving A-type and a lifelong overachiever, I have leaned into spirituality as a source of healing and a way to find greater balance and ease.