Patiently waiting to fly to Simikot

2 min readMay 21, 2016


Saturday, May 21st 2016

It rained heavily in the night. The operator said it is good sign. After the rain sky will be clear for the day. All of us ready after breakfast by 5 o clock. We are all ready for the flt to Simikot. The local airport is a small one with a 700 meters runway. The airport doesn’t have even basic amenities. So the airport staff is directing the inflow and is advising stay put at hotel. They will tell when we should come. It is 2 km from hotel.

Reading Lalitha Sahsranamam and Lingastakam while waiting for the call from airport.

Taking care of luggage. The all important backpack given by the tour operator.

Kvp has not yet finished with his pooja as yet. Praying for all of us now

Having breakfast at airport restaurant.

We are at the airport only to realize that out of the five planes engaged by the operator only one could take of with five passengers. Others are held up at airport for want of aircraft. The operator says one flight developed problems and another did not arrive from Nepalgunj. He says it is difficult for flights to take off after 10 O’clock, due to air pressure.

The next available flight will be only tomorrow morning.

