I Don’t Care How Big Your Problem Is; You Can Overcome It And Here Is How.

Musinguzi Nicholas
3 min readMay 17, 2024


If you are going to read about how to truly be in the driving seat of the vehicle that your life, metaphorically is, why not read an article like this one into which poetry is embedded? you want to take charge of your life like a poet takes charge of words in a way that gives them control over how much meaning such words pump into their literary work. Even if you don’t find poetry interesting, don’t you find it fascinating how a poet will go through, and communicate multiple layers of emotions and possibilities with just a few words and achieve a similar result as an orchestra? Alright, that is a bit of an exaggeration perhaps! What I am trying to say is that a poet has words under their control, and so should you with your life once you learn how to do it.

The good news is that there is a way; multiple ways. How do I know there are multiple ways?

Do you honestly want to be one of those people who believe they are the first person to experience their problem? do you want to tell me that no one under this starry vault we call the world has ever overcome your challenge? what are the odds that your path has never been trailed before? how is it th… okay too many questions! I could name a hundred people that have made it in their 50s. I don’t know what you are going through so I can not pin myself down to providing examples, but I know you have nothing against nature that it should eternally punish you and deny you a solution to your challenges. take charge and steal away the light from nature’s hand. move to where you will and nature will obey.

how do you take charge?

Win a tinny winnable battle every day. it could be waking up 30 minutes earlier, eating one snicker bar less of sugary food, or reading one extra page than your current read rate. Just find something to do that will add value to you. Please do it again and again and again. consistently set newer not-so-scary targets to achieve. Achieve them. let us see how nature will pick you out of the millions and prevent this method from working for you. Every day you set a target and postpone your efforts of achieving it to the next day is a day that you write misery into your story. it is not possible that nature granted you the ultimate gift; the gift of being, and later set out on a path to destroy you. perhaps you were born with disadvantages, but like I said, every challenge you face has been overcome before. there is nothing so inherently wrong with you that all your paths should lead to a doomed fate. I dare say nature has nothing on your not-so-scary-to-achieve targets.

That said, I believe I promised a poem. leave a comment if you found this article helpful. Follow for more articles like this, and subscribe to receive an email every time I publish.


I do not come to tell you about wicked ways
And about your consequential encounter with your creator’s wrath.

I am not here to chastise you, nor to lay out to your fate your inevitable path

I am not here to you to tell a preacher’s tale;
That by faith and for faith must you live

I am not here to stir up your dearly-held passions
And incite you into radical revolutionary actions

I do not come with prophecies; neither good ones nor of doom
I do not come with lessons to teach from the past
I am neither a historian nor a prophet

I come with good news, not as Peter or Paul delivered it,
But as I have lived it.

I come with the news that spites my transgressions
The news in which I celebrate my passions
The news in which I escape nature’s highhandedness

The news of a special revelation
That by nature might we have come,
But not for nature must we live

I come to tell you the news of my life
Not to teach you how to lace tight in my shoes
But to inspire you to find comfort in yours.



Musinguzi Nicholas

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