Victorian Era— The tale of corsets.

Muskaan Datt
3 min readFeb 4, 2019


The corset has been an important article of clothing for several centuries in Europe, evolving as fashion trends have changed. Women, as well as some men, have used it to change the appearance of their bodies.

The corset first became popular in sixteenth-century Europe, reaching the zenith of its popularity in the Victorian era .

Large crinolines, protruding bustles and heavily boned corsets were causing movement to restrict, limiting their activities. With advanced machinery in the late 19th and early 20th century, underwear with new designs often helped women. Comfort, health and partaking in sports resulted in women becoming more aware of their bodies and the tight underwear.

The corsets were popularized for the very first time in the 16th century. The use of corsets then was to only improve the shape of the bust and not narrow the waist. The early corsets for daily use were hand-made and required many layers of linen and heavy fabric to make it stiff. In mid-1800, boning became
popular with the introduction of a sewing machine.

Corsets laced up the center-back of the woman to give it the right amount of tightness required. This was also known as tight-lacing. It is essential to note that corsets were always worn over a cotton chemise and did not directly touch the skin.

What was the Corset Punishment in Victorian times?

There were many critiques of the corset later who believed that corsets were not merely a fashion dress but a tool to oppress women. Their choice of beauty made them rely on corsets all their lives.

The corsets were also used as a punishment tool by mothers not only for their daughters but also sons. They were made to wear the special corset that was periodically tightened to give them a meager 16-inch waistline.

They were used as a discipline tool for posture correction. Young girls were forced to wear highly tight corsets and therefore reluctant to misbehave or their laces would be tightened further.

It gave discomfort but according to most gave the lady like appearance. The sullen young girls, therefore, had a low diet which prevented them from overeating and increasing weight. They were made so used to the corset that it became part and parcel of them.

