The Cost of Slacking

muskan shakya
2 min readNov 23, 2021


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This past weekend has been a busy one. I spent most of the weekend preparing our new apartment for us to move in.

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We moved in on Tuesday and we’re still putting things away. Since we were so busy I didn’t have any time at all to spend on my blog.

I thought that my wife might be a little upset with me if I watched her work while I sat in front of the computer.

Needless to say, I’m back now and my stats have suffered from my break. Since I wasn’t spending any time using the various traffic generation techniques that I use, my traffic was down approximately 40%.

I figured that skipping posts for a few days and taking a vacation from the blogging community wouldn’t affect traffic much, but I was wrong.

This is a lesson to me in how important daily posting and trying to remain as active on the net as I can be.

To be a successful blogger takes time, effort, constant networking, tweaking and learning new traffic generation techniques to succeed.

If you’re new here, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed and make sure you don’t miss another post. Thanks for visiting!

Just Call Me a “Stumbling EC Dropper”

I have found yet another efficient way to drop Enter cards using Stumble Upon. Here’s a simple way to drop a ton of Enter cards using Stumble upon.

1. Download the Stumble Upon toolbar for Firefox.

2. Click on “All” and then “Search”.

3. In the search terms field, enter “enter card”.

4. Now Stumble and you should end up at sites with Enter cards to drop.

One thing to note with this method is that this won’t guarantee that all the sites visited will actually have Entre Cards.

You will end up visiting pages that have discussed Enter card, but unfortunately just because they have discussed EC, doesn’t mean that they actually have it installed.

I would say that over 90% do, which is still good. Depending on how fast your internet connection is you might be able to drop a few hundred EC’s per hour.

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muskan shakya

My self muskan shakya and I am the blogger of seo