The Fridge

Abdul Rahman Musliarakath
1 min readOct 24, 2016


All my food I kept in the fridge
To have on germs a forceful edge.
For days together my food there slept
With a fruitful win I had them kept
Safe from the hack of harmful germs
And beyond the sack of biting worms.

Eating by bits I had it thrust
Into my guts to have its rest.
I had in my body so much trust,
But unawares was it getting rust!
The worms and germs I kept aloof
Were eating me up from base to roof!

Costly drugs or surgeon’s knife
Could not bring me back to life!
My body was then borne in haste
As feast for maggots without any waste.
The germs and worms I did foil
Could stride at ease and me spoil!

The enemies I had kept at bay
Had over me now a powerful sway.
The ones whom I had kept apart
Could so well have me torn apart.
Very many things we dearly feed
Towards us contempt they do breed!

