Muslimat Alausa - Muritadha
6 min readOct 22, 2022



Design a to-do app that allows users to add tasks, edit tasks, delete tasks, update tasks (as completed) and set a reminder for each task. It should have a web and mobile version. Additional features have bonus points.

Task Breakdown:

1. Design a To-Do App with mobile and website version

2. Add features that will allow users to add tasks, edit tasks, delete tasks and update tasks as completed.

3. Additional features can be added.


The Elegant Ten is SideHustle’s Bravo clan Product design team 2. The team has 10 members. All the members were actively involved in the UX and UI design of the product. The names of the members are:

Oghenegare Isaac Asaevwe (team lead)

Salami Tokunboh

Kolawole Ibrahim

Muslimat Alausa

Anthony Okeke

Frank Offodile

Aderibigbe Ayomide

Tolushe Igbalasanmi Esther

Kingston Solomon Enoch

Alexander Arifayan


Planning our daily schedules can sometimes be an arduous task, but technology has made such activities easier. This makes having a to-do list app top on the list of necessities. A to-do list app is generally used to maintain our day-to-day tasks or list all that has to be done, rating them in order of importance.


RemindMe is a To-Do app with mobile and website versions. Thus, the app is for smartphone, tablet, and computer users. This is a to-do app aimed at task management. It aids users in managing their tasks (daily, weekly, monthly) from the comfort of a smartphone, tablet, and computer.

TIMELINE: 5 days

TOOLS: Figma, Figjam and Google Form


To create a product that will enable users to manage all their to-dos be it personal goals or work-related tasks based on priority.


Taking into consideration the purpose of the app, the following objectives were set out:

  1. To create a to-do app with mobile and website versions that will allow users to add, edit, delete and update tasks as completed.
  2. To create a user-friendly app.
  3. To add more features that will improve users’ experience on the app. These features are:
  • Priority setting
  • Achievement badge
  • Reminder setting for the overdue task


The design thinking process was adopted in the course of this challenge. Design thinking refers to the set of cognitive, strategic, and practical procedures used in solving problems by prioritising the user’s needs above all.


Here, we tried to get a glimpse of the users’ needs to have a better understanding of their perspective on having or using a to-do app. This was achieved through user research.

User Research

An online survey was done to understand the users. The objectives of the research were

  1. To know if users manage their tasks well,
  2. know the type of product they use, their experience, and their pain points with the product.

The survey had two sections. Only respondents that use a To-Do App/website had access to section two of the survey. With this, we were able to filter out those who use a To-Do App or Website to manage their tasks from those who don’t.


A total of 18 responses were gotten from the survey. The questions asked and responses gotten are:

  1. Occupation?

35.3% of the respondents were students while 64.7% were either employed or self-employed.

2. Do you always remember your task?

3. Do you complete your daily Task?

4. Do you make use of a To Do list to complete your task

5. Do you use a to-do app or website?


Six out of eighteen respondents were able to move to this section.

6. Which do you use? App, Website or Both

83.3% of the respondents chose App, 0% chose a website only and 11.7% chose both

7. How often do you use Your To do Task App/Website?

8. What is the name of the to-do app/website you use?

Google Task, Colour notes, and Note

9. Why do you prefer to use this app/website?

10. What do you use the to-do app/website for?

11. What are the problems you face while using your To-do App or Websites, please specify.

12. What features would you like to be included in Your Task App or website?

2. DEFINE: from the data obtained from the survey, we were able to list the users’ pain points and generate a user persona. The pain points are:

  1. No frequent reminders or no reminders at all.
  2. The app/website cannot arrange tasks based on priority.
  3. Reminder for overdue tasks.

User Persona

3. IDEATE AND PROTOTYPE: At this stage, we brainstormed on how the app and website would look and the additional features to add. The ideas we concluded on were based on the users’ pain points. User workflow, Information Architecture, and paper, mid and high-fidelity wireframes were designed.

User Flow




Features included in the app were based on users’ pain points

GENERAL FEATURES: with RemindMe, users will be able to add tasks based on preferences, set reminders, and edit and update tasks as complete.

OPTION TO SET TASK PRIORITY: this feature will enable users to set priority for their tasks. Users have the option to set their tasks for high, medium, or low priority. Users compulsorily have to set reminders for the task with high priority.

DISPLAY OF TASK WITH PRIORITY: On the task list page, users can arrange their tasks based on priority or preference.

REMINDER FOR OVERDUE TASK: Users have the option to set reminders for the task just in case the task is overdue.

ACHIEVEMENT BADGE: every task completed earns the user some points. This feature was included to provide the users with a sense of accomplishment. It will always make the users use the app to manage their tasks.








CONCLUSION: RemindMe is a to-do app that will help users maximally manage their tasks effectively. the app is so versatile that it can be used by students, employees, and companies. It has both web and mobile app versions.

Thanks for reading

