My First Lesson As An Entrepreneur

Be like a bamboo, firm yet flexible

Mustafa Neguib
3 min readMay 22, 2014

This article was originally posted on my blog

Be like a bamboo, firm yet flexible

Know when to stay firm on a decision and when to be flexible. That is key in maintaining relationships.: Just today I had to take a decision on a client which is bad for my short term but good for our long term relationship with the client.

Just yesterday I had to take a decision on a client which is bad for my short term but good for our long term relationship with the client.

This is what as businessmen we have to do. What happened was that there was miscommunication between my business partner and the client. Apparently my client thought that we would be building the android app as well in the same cost that my business partner had quoted to him which my partner thought was just for the website.

Another complication in this was that my client was a former colleague with whom I have had a good relationship in the past and did not want to spoil it.

I found out only day before yesterday that we were to build an android app. My partner’s mistake was that he misinterpreted. The client’s mistake was that he forgot to mention the app in the emails which went back and forth between the partner and client. My mistake was to not be part of the communication between my client and my partner from the beginning.

I had two options in front of me:

  1. Demand that the client pays
  2. Bend and be flexible and facilitate the client

I wanted to take the first option and demand money. I wanted to be paid. I deserve to be paid for the work that i am going to do. What would have happened either the client would have agreed and paid up, but that would deteriorate our relation ship with him, and there is a chance that he might not give his next project to us, or he would have taken the project else where.

In both the scenarios we would have been at the loosing end. The client would have gotten his work done from someone else, but we would not have any work.

The relationship was deteriorating between us and the client and I knew the problem lay at both the ends and this needed to be resolved. So I decided to take the bullet. I told the client that we will do the android work for free. I know I needed the money but I needed the project and future projects from the client as well, which i believe is better for us in the long term.

I am a beginner at this and I am learning along the way of what I should do and what I should not do.

Lesson learnt: Always be at all the meetings and be in the loop. I trust my partner but after this I have to know what is happening, and most important of all bend, be flexible like a bamboo.

I would like to hear from your experiences. How would have you handled this situation? Did i do well? Only time will tell if my decision was right.

Source of the featured image is Shutter Stock

Mustafa Neguib is a computer scientist by education and an entrepreneur by profession. He is currently working on his startup MN Tech Solutions and his latest product Inbox My Articles. His interests are in entrepreneurship and startups. He also blogs about, entrepreneurship, life, and Pakistan and everything in between at



Mustafa Neguib

Entrepreneur, Founder, CEO , Director of MN Tech Solutions and Inbox My Articles