What I have | The Blessings of Almighty Allah

Mustafa Tahir
2 min readSep 3, 2022


This is yet another random stuff I thought yesterday to jot down an article on, and it is quite simple i.e. What I have. Let’s try to stop thinking for a while about other people around us whom:

We are jealous of

We want to become like

Who is having more than us

and likewise other thoughts…

Let’s take a moment to our own selves and think about “How much the Almighty Allah blessed us”. And believe me, there is so much of it that we can’t even think of right away.

I am a 25-year-old individual who has been employed at a very good and reputable company, and I’m loving it, cause it’s related to my Mobile App domain. In addition, I am in good health. I can eat and drink whatever I like. I can afford any price-tagged cloth. I have a roof to live under. Also, I don’t own any complex diseases Alhamdulillah! I have my world i.e. My mother, (my father is no more). Besides this, I have a younger brother aged 22, and my uncle (father’s elder brother). When I leave for the office, I ask them for their prayers. Almost every week, we order fast food, and spicy foods, and sometimes even we leave for an outing near the seaside or other tourist destinations.

I’ll keep it here, for now, cause something new isn’t coming to my mind.

If I talk about my audience, maybe people of different ages may look at this article. Whether you’re young, mature, or old, It doesn’t matter. The thing that matters a lot is, Before getting into any thought (that I mentioned in the first para), always take a moment for yourself and think of the Blessings, there must be an uncountable number, I believe, In this world, there are always people who are much more underprivileged than us.

If I connect the above paragraph with this section, Obviously, we are living in a competitive world, where we (let’s not lie to ourselves) show off too much. Instead of impressing people, we should focus and try hard to improve ourselves. In addition, always be thankful to the Almighty Allah.

With this, I wind up this article. Thanks much for reading this one.

If you think I missed out on something, be sure to leave your responses. I’ll be more than happy. In addition, suggest me a topic for my next article.

Hope you enjoyed it! Be sure to 👏 and do follow me as It motivates me to write more…

This is Mustafa Tahir, signing off. See you in the next one.

