Mastering Angular Material Icons: A Comprehensive Guide

Mustapha Aitigunaoun
2 min readNov 29, 2023

By : Mustapha AIT IGUNAOUN

Your Angular applications’ functionality and visual appeal can be greatly improved with the help of Angular Material Icons. They offer a sophisticated and unified design language that facilitates the creation of a polished user interface. We’ll go over every aspect of Angular Material Icons in this post, from integration to customization.

Angular Material Icons: An Understanding

A collection of vector icons that are scalable and adaptable to your application’s design specifications is known as Angular Material Icons. Because these icons are based on Google’s Material Design, they will appear contemporary and uniform on various platforms.

Integration into Angular Projects

Integrating Angular Material Icons into your Angular project is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Install Angular Material and Angular CDK:

Ensure that you have Angular Material and Angular CDK installed in your project.

ng add @angular/material

2. Install Angular Material Icons:



Mustapha Aitigunaoun

I Love Technology & I Write to Help Make Sense Of Life + Web & Mobile Development + Designer UI