Mustard Seed PH
Mustard Seed PH

Hello there.

My name is Marielle Ignacio, 26 years old, from Manila, Philippines.

Mustard Seed PH started like any other idea: humble and small. As a writer, I’ve always been insecure about my worthiness to write about God. I felt that I was still inexperienced and I didn’t think that I was credible enough to write about a topic as serious as faith. But in this blog, I want to try and share some of the things that I’ve learned about Him and His power in our lives if we just had a little more faith – even if it’s as tiny as a mustard seed.

For when we allow God to enter our lives, He takes what we give and works His miracles. He moves mountains. He parts the seas. He multiplies the bread. In our weakness, God is strong.

My hope is that this blog may become a channel for conversation among the young faithful. As we progress in our career, relationships, and personal goals, I truly believe that our spiritual insights and diverse experiences can capture and beautifully illustrate how God works in our lives.

With this, I welcome you to Mustard Seed PH!