Mutambo Bernard
3 min readSep 4, 2020

The informal Letters.British Format.
*You can as well refer to them as friendly, personal or social letters. *They are only addressed to people that you are well known to mostly for social matters .
*Almost all formal letters can be written in form of Friendly letters.
For example Requisition, apology, Condolence , Inquiry and others can take an informal format. If you need some money from your boyfriend, there is no need to address him in a formal letter. A friendly one can make wonders.
*Friendly Letters are discouraged in offices because they conflict with professional ethics.
Features of friendly letters.
*Written with simplicity.
*They are for a friendly chat.
*They can tackle different subjects in one piece.
*Correct punctuations and grammar relevant.
*Sparks can be applied.
*No need for reference.
*Only the first name is enough to sign off. ( But you are as well allowed to use even the other name and the signature.)
*The writter has flexibility.
Parts of a friendly Letter for examination purposes.
Sender’s address.( Right hand side of the paper)Uneb has not yet adopted the idea of bringing it to the Left.
Salutation. (Dear Phionah, or anyother name, Hello darling , Or any other Petty name, Hey.....and others .The author applies any expression of their choice.
Body. Paragraphing is important. The number of ideas determines the number of paragraphs. However For examinations, the question guides on the number of paragraphs basing on the ideas to put forward as demanded by the Question. Such question need coverage of one page. But in real life, it can be as long as you wish or the other way round.
Closing Remark. This can be as fancy as the author wishes. For instance,
Your Love bird, With regards, with love, Yours affectionately, and others.
Note:For Examination purposes , you are recommended to use the address but in real life, the address may not be necessary. The salutation serves as address.
Example. You have been in love with him or her for quite a long time but you feel so guilty that your contribution towards the relationship is much less than his or hers(theirs).Write a letter to them(him or her) to relieve yourself.
— — — — Mooni Trading Center,
 — — — — — — — — P.O.Box 256,
 — — — — — — — — — — Mbale.
 — — — — 2nd September,2020.
Hey Linda, my earthly god,

— Anticipating that you are fine, I greet you in the name of the Almighty creator. Hallucinating a grin on your gem-like lips, this is nothing but a memento. It has been quite a long way since our relationship commenced. I am so grateful dear that you have conqured more conundrams for the betterment of our relationship than I have done. You bailed me out of the cells, something that I never expected. I can not mention them all as they are numberless. Linda you are a woman deserving more ranks than the rest of women.
 — -Besides turning down predicaments and challenges, You have saved me from love hooligans and imbeciles. You are a perfect, swift and skillful love player who plays without fauling at all. You dribble it dynamically across the pitch like Romeo in Romeo and Juliet. You are the Romeo in this case and I am the Juliet. For that case, only DEATH shall dismantle the formidable love empire we have built.
Please take care. I love you.
 — — — — — Yours affectionately,
 — — — — — -Bernards.

Put in account the following. Only applie for examinations purposes.
*Stick to the subject as demanded by the question.
*Avoid informal language and slungs as they may not be understood by the examiners .
*Mind your spellings, punctuations, and other grammatical rules.
*Write the box number format of the address for marks only but its irrelevant in real life.
*Avoid brevity as it is penalized .
*Differitiate between simple and lousy. Exhibit maturity in your language.

Sample questions.
*Write to a letter to your best friend inviting him to your birthday party scheduled for 5th September,2020.
*You narrowly escaped death. Share with Peace or Richard in a letter.
Bernards Mutambo Semakula.

Mutambo Bernard

My name is Mutambo Bernard, From Uganda.