Hype driven development

Stoyan Delev
2 min readMay 21, 2017

I’ve been doing web development since 2005, for that period of time the web platform changed so many times and I had to learn an enormous amount of technologies, fancy words, and abbreviatures, but learning often has been fun. I was always driven by the hype of doing something new.

That is a story about me, and how I become a Hype-driven developer
2010: I was hyped by Android development
2010: I was hyped Responsive web design
2012: I was hyped by BackboneJS
2012: I was hyped by Angular
2013: I was hyped by being front-end developer
2013: I was hyped by NodeJS
2014: I was hyped by web performance
2015: I was hyped by React
2015: I was hyped by ES2015+
2015: I was hyped by Redux
2015: I was hyped by PWA
2016: I was hyped by React Native
2016: I was hyped by Elm
2016: I was hyped by RxJS
2016: I was hyped by Preact
2017: I was hyped by functional programming and category theory
2017: I was hyped by Haskell
2017: I was hyped by FlowType

I was hyped by anything and tried to learn everything…
Now: I am not hyped by anything

Is the hype that moves me forward?
- Yes. But it doesn’t stay for longer when is I have us it, no sleep, no weekends. Take it and enjoy it. Until next one.

What is the next hype?
- I guess AI, language like Reason ML, building robots, learning math.

Currently, I am also hyped to write blog posts, or that is not hype, I don’t know. Check out other ones, that was boring.



Stoyan Delev

web developer obsessed by making web better ( focused on web perf and a11y )