Let’s Speed up Kubernetes Again!

Mutha Nagavamsi
2 min readAug 13, 2023


My previous post about speeding up Kubernetes.

K8s Update: Guys, it’s here… ⚡

Kubernetes increased the API query-per-second limits.

Kubelet relies on kube-apiserver to fetch pod details, such as their status and configuration.

The problem: 🧐

- Kubelet was limited to just 5 requests/second to the kube-apiserver in Kubernetes v1.26 or earlier.
- This behaviour causes some delays in large clusters.

What can we do?

In Kubernetes 1.27, the default kubeAPIQPS limit was increased to 50, enhancing pod startup times in large clusters.

The kubeAPIBurst (burst requests) limit jumps to 100, allowing kubelet to fire off 100 requests quickly when needed.

Let’s speed up kubernetes part 2

On a VM based K8s setup, you can increase kubeAPIQPS to 15 or 20; I’m not recommending 50, let’s just be real, we don’t want to overload the kube-apiserver.

But, bare metal nodes are like the Hulk, strong and powerful! 💪 So consider bumping kubeAPIQPS to 25–30 (or even more) and kubeAPIBurst to 50.

With that done, kube-apiserver is happy, kubelet is happy and everyone is happy. ☺️

That’s it for today. Hope this is useful. A Reshare really helps ♻️

I’m Mutha Nagavamsi, follow me for simplified tech, AI and cybersecurity content.

PS: Let me know if you have any questions; I promise, I’ll respond back.



Mutha Nagavamsi

I'm Building a 100K Community of Happy People. 61492 on all social. Follow me, I spread Kubernetes and Technology with JOY 😁 - https://bento.me/muthanagavamsi