Muthu Meta
3 min readJun 30, 2018


Today, most of the mobile friendly websites have been or are being replaced by responsive websites. The mobile friendly websites were designed to operate on a phone or tablet. But soon it was realized that it hampers user experience as irrespective of the size of the screen, it appears or displays content almost similar as it would on a computer or laptop screen. This is the reason why people shifted to responsive web design. To become a full stack web designer start your web designing training at Metaforum Technologies

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Here 5 mind-blowing statistics about responsive web design are presented so that the user doesn’t regret repeated zooming or squinting that was inevitable in the early designed websites.

1) Mobile caters to more than half of the online traffic globally:

As per Statista the share of mobile traffic in global online traffic was 52.64% in 2017. This isn’t so shocking as the number of smartphone users are increasing each year. It implies clearly implies that more users tend to browse things on mobiles or tablets rather than computer or laptop. This trend has continued since 2015 and figures are expected to increase more rapidly in the coming years. Unfortunately, non-responsive websites are on the edge of losing larger portions of their audience in the near future.

2) Almost 50% of ecommerce revenue comes from mobile platforms:

The statistic sufficient to show the popularity of responsive web design in the community is that nearly half of United States ecommerce revenue is believed to be supported by mobile. Customers are satisfied by the great mobile shopping experience with new buyers entering the market each day. This projected increase in overall mobile internet traffic will surge in 2018. Retailers failing to adapt with recent trends will be adversely affected.

3) 60% of users refuse to come back if website design is not responsive:

In this digital world, customer reviews and feedbacks play an important role in deriving traffic to a particular site. More than 60% of internet users refused to recommend a business with a poorly designed website. What the visitor looks into while visiting a site is the responsiveness of the website on mobile or other device. Non-responsive websites cannot provide an optimal user experience due to their poor design and fail to attract users on internet.

4) Decrease in average attention span:

The f internet user has come down to mere 8 seconds This very stat makes it clear only those who manage to switch to responsive web design are going to survive in the years ahead. Poorly designed sites do not convey complete information and lack the connect that responsive websites are capable to generate with their viewer.

5) Responsive web design has earned votes of 85% of the web users:

85 out of every 100 web crawlers desire a seamless experience across all devices or platforms. This implies that a user should be able to view a website on a computer and the same should be accessible on a phone or tablet so that he is able to continue the work from where he left without any hustle. Due to variation in display sizes, the layout of the website may look different but the ease of use should not be compromised.

Metaforum Technologies provides the Best Web designing Training in Chennai. Web designing Training is provided by corporate expert trainers so that you can get the live Practical examples while training classes.

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Website: http://www.metaforumtechnologies.com/web-design-training-in-chennai

