Mutiara Farma
5 min readFeb 10, 2018


The DOCADEMIC PLATFORM is a platform of health services for the public that begins with the free service of Video Tele-medicine Assisted by Human Doctor-AI (DOCADEMIC APP) that is already being used in 20 countries by millions of users and a linked suite of tools assisted by AI and social network for the medical community.


The DOCADEMIC PLATAFORM application becomes the last resort for those people who need to find their way around a health-related topic, with just one click the patient can make a direct telemedicine video with the doctor free of charge from any country in the world where the patient is located.

Patient information will be secured in a locking chain.

With this free service of Telemedicine we will get patients to benefit from BlockChain Technology in the Health sector.

This APP offers:

Continuing medical education

Patient Referral

The necessary tools for the daily practice of patients

Real-time reporting of epidemiological information for your clients.

The DOCADEMIC platform:

DOCADEMIC is expanding DOCADEMIC APP and DOCADEMIC FOR DOCTORS: a Single Global Sources Health Platform with a service that will allow the highest level of accessibility and medical advancement. In the process, this will allow everyone to take advantage of all the possibilities offered by Cryptohealth’s future economy.

The DOCADEMIC platform will be managed and operated by Sidrese SA de CV. Under Mexican law.

APP: The Healthcare Engine

It provides an easy-to-use application that aggregates the services of the different analytical services of artificial intelligence and assists Human Physicians who are available 24 hours a day in a single, easy-to-use application that allows users to go to the place and time of their choice, as well as track the medications they receive, take and share their health history through the blocking chain with doctors of their choice.

Problems that DOCADEMIC solves:

  • Accessibility silos
  • Neglected markets

The problems of the Accessibility Silos and Infra Markets attended to are solved by connecting these health services in a single point of access, and by allowing patients to focus on a solution at home or on the right health care providers and services.

Human-AI cross-diagnosed engine:

Facilitates a quick, efficient and accurate diagnosis of patients: When the diagnostic process begins and the need for medical care in the DOCADEMIC APP is very high, the Doctor gets real-time AI suggestions for better patient diagnosis across the video telemedicine.

DOCADEMIC Plataformaorm DOCADEMIC FOR DOCTORS’ social network is made up of a set of services that provide clients with the tools for continuous learning of medicine, reducing diagnostic errors and increasing the return on investment (ROI) by reducing costs for doctors and patients.

Users will get the following benefits:

a). Decrease in Counterparty Risk: DOCTOR users of the DOCADEMIC Platform will be assured that the available information complies with the regulators.
b). Increased efficiency: DOCADEMIC Platforms Doctor users can upgrade to other treatments without having to search the world’s medical journals directly. News from journals will be updated through DOCADEMIC’s real-time publishing technology, and should be instantaneous for physicians as soon as articles are published.
c). Precise diagnosis for clients: In this way, physicians will be better able to benefit from deficiencies in the sometimes slow incorporation of the latest advances in treatments into the health system.

Importance of BlockChain technology for DOCAMEDIC PLATAFORMS

Docademic obtains the medical records of patients in a locking chain on first contact with a doctor through our DOCADEMIC APP application. It’s the best way to put people in the chain of blocks. If necessary, patients may be referred to other health services or products after their first contact with a physician at the DOCADEMIC APP. All patient information secured in a locking chain. Docademic Blockchain will eventually be possible to access third parties and they will be able to build applications and dapps in Docademic Blockchain.

Crypto’s economy has provided us with an entirely new way to develop a new distribution infrastructure using Crypto Tokens. People are coming together to contribute to something they really want, something they truly believe in. And as Token headlines, they benefit from the growth in their utility and value. DOCADEMIC, through MEDICAL TOKEN CURRENCY (MTC), is creating a health service, a platform that will enable Crypto’s entire economy and healthcare economy to benefit patients.

See details about selling token below:

Symbol: MTC

Token standard: ERC20

Issue Amount: 1,000,000,000,000 MTC

Price: 1 MTC = 0.001 ETH

Soft Cap: 3.500.000 MTC

Date Sale Begins: January 29,2018


Managing Director — Charles Nader

COO — Isao Hojyo

CTO — Arturo Diaz

Chief Financial Officer — Alejandro Meza

Senior Developer and Software Architect — Enrique Hernández

Main designer of UI/UX — Dan Razo

Main Mobile Developer — Erik Altamirano

Front End Main Developer — Siddharta Naranjo

Principal Developer — Oscar Nava

Community Manager — Laila Gebara

Tax and Tax Advisor -Jose Luis Molina

Other Important Links: -

Website: https://ico.docademic.com/
White Paper: https://cdn.docademic.com/documents/ico/Docademic+White+Paper.pdf
Facebook: https://facebook.com/docademic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/docademic
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/GWeOM0Nc_R_htbcpJha7mA
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1409779

