HELBIZ — Blockchain Technology Platform Mobile System In The Future

Mutiara Farma
4 min readFeb 13, 2018

Block chain technology continues to add convenience to every aspect of our lives. This technology is delivering tremendous speed, providing convenience in many areas of finance, marketing, advertising and industry. In investors and entrepreneurs who see this, many actions that can be done with real money in the normal market take action by using block chain technology. Now the project we will examine is based on a personal car, motorbike or bicycle rental system using block chain technology, which can be used in everyday life and a personal opinion is a really useful, practical project. It is a project that will allow even renting of boats, ships, planes.

There is a saying, as long as my pockets have params, all the yellow cars will be mine . This promise is not a simple word. Whether to buy a product or rent it brings to mind the more advantageous question. Let’s think we bought a car. We will face a lot of additional charges before we get into the car. Insurance, automobile insurance, tax is just a few of them but it is not necessary to take a week. When we try to buy a zero car under the conditions of our country, we pay more than the price of the car. Here is the best way to reduce all these expenses hire.

It is advantageous to do this from a company that deals with this business directly. When we rent from the company, the company also has a profit share. Then hire directly from the car owner.

Our project HELBIZ has just set out to provide these opportunities. If we look at the details of the project; we can consider it as a byproduct of AIRBNB, HERTZ and UBER, which actively act as intermediaries for rental services. The facilities Helbiz will not only consider as a car hire, helicopter, aircraft and even hire a boat.

Manage your private keys

Be careful how you keep your private keys and backups. Hardware wallets (and paper backup 12 or 24 words) are most recommended.

Quite seriously — you don’t want every program on your computer to have access to your private keys. Keeping private keys on a separate device is by far the best protection against a hack. Private keys never leave the device, they are used to sign the transaction that is then broadcasted to the network.

Markets are…

Markets can remain irrational a lot longer than you and I can remain solvent. so you think printing Tether is a scam and crypto bubble will pop?

Ride the wave, trend is your friend.

Personally I don’t have energy for day trading, I just buy and hodl, or earn (directly in crypto) and hodl.

Sure fire research questions

DYOR — do your own research, ask difficult questions. I wish everyone investing was asking these:

How much tokens issued pre-pre-pre-ICO for strategic investors, what is their discount, what is their lock-in period?

Check Bloomberg, Reuters, Fortune logos on the website — anyone can include an image, not everyone can get press coverage

Check with advisors and partners — are they really committed to the project, did they update their LinkedIn?

DYOR — do your own research, it will save you a lot of stress. To have faith and confidence, to know that you did the work is a great feeling.

Helbiz is revolutionizing the private car sharing market, making the rental process instantaneous. No communication is needed, upon confirmation the renters phone is turned into the key to both the car and ignition, and we offer full insurance keeping both parties secure at all times.

Just like Uber and AirBnb allows people to earn extra income, allowing to rent your vehicle is natural step in the evolution.

Sharing economy

  • It’s the general trend.
  • It’s what is happening now around the planet.
  • Why own if you can share.
  • User reputation systems and digital currency payments

That makes sense. That’s the benefit of the blockchain. My typical concern with rating systems is that tendency is to rate higher in the fear of retaliation.

I’m naughty guy, I don’t care, I would be incentivised to keep the vehicle in order by penalty payments.

Smartphone will remote key access

Does it mean that only modern cars will be supported? Maybe they offer some built-in box to the vehicle so that Ford from 2005 is also supported.


Marketplaces require both sides of the market
I’m always mindful when comes to marketplaces. Here it is fairly easy — buyers will mostly choose the lowest price. It is fairly easy to convince them by showing $$$ savings.

For the car owners — in the US owning a car is part of identity, I’m not sure if people will be willing to rent their cars.

I would also look for centralised marketplaces — they offer customer service and dispute resolution.

Security concerns

I believe people are good by definition.

There might be some bad guys willing to explain the platform. How about fake identity and simply stealing the car? Nope, it’s not really practical — making money the legal way is far easier.


I’m always looking for a demonstration of the product. Anyone can create the white paper, it’s much more difficult to actually develop the usable product.


It’s an interesting concept.
I am concerned about the integration with the “old world”.

Negotiating with insurance providers — these guys are in business for decades, I don’t expect smart contract integration right off the bat.

For more information please click the link below:

My profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1409779

