Attract Customers or People Online Through Popular Media Sites

3 min readMay 8, 2024


Two students during their PhD at Stanford University Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google and incorporated it as a privately held company in 1998. From then this site is growing day by day. It is the most increase popular search engine site. The largest search engine in the world is the favorite search engine Google which has other increase popular applications.

One of them is Google talk which is a chat increase application. This application is very popular among the young generation who are keenly instagram likes interested in chatting with friends. With the invention of facebook, the most popular social media site became the most usable and favorite socializing site among most of the parts of the world. Common peoples, celebrities as well as various professional persons use facebook for most of the time to share and connect with friends and contact persons.

The business professionals then started this site as a platform for advertising and sharing their business related messages. This is because of the fact that the largest online crowd is available in facebook. So easily the largest mass can be reached through this site. This success of facebook in social networking as well in the advertising or marketing option leads to the launch of Google + in 2011. This is also a social networking site. From the date of launch of this new site in 2024 the user of this site increased up to 540 milion from 25 million.

Earlier the Google has launched one then popular social networking site the ‘orkut’. But now Google has determined to close the site within july 2024 and no new profile can be created in this site. The site google + is more advanced in comparison to facebook page. Although many features look similar yet there are minute differences. In the facebook there are like and share options but in G+ there is voting system which is done by clicking the plus one button.

The advantage of this vote is that other persons can see the posts or shares in the site which you have voted as a recommendation. There are hangouts and sparks. The video calls are hangouts in G+ which can be done up to 10 people. There are many increase business persons who for the sake of popularity of their company want more number of G+ votes. Other people who want to increase popularize them also desires the votes.

The facebook and the Google plus both are increase social networking sites which are used by general public to celebrities or business professionals as a platform to socialize, share and stay connected with a mass of people. This may be in personal ground, professional ground or social ground. The more the number of likes or number of votes, the more is the popularity or the spread of advertisement.

The advantage of using these increase social media sites as the base or platform for advertisement or sharing any status updates is that at one time the number of online viewers can have increase the information which a sharer wants to share publicly. Thus google plus votes USA and facebook website likes are the popular tools which very person can use to increase his/her/ company popularity online.

