From a Music Lover’s Diary…

7 min readJul 27, 2015

“Being obsessed with music is a full-time occupation.” ~ Anonymous

Music Obsession

This quote must surely have been written by a ‘Die Hard Music Lover’ like me.

I am pretty sure if you are a music fan and agree to this, you definitely match my level of craziness for music. I am also sure that what all I have brought here for you is something you will easily identify with. Every music lover at one point of time or other must definitely have experienced something similar to what I have mentioned in this blog post.


I remember the time when I was young and getting our hands on the best music was a full time activity for our generation. We never had devices like i-pods, mobile phones at hand like you do today.

Today, it’s incredibly easy to just open your playlists, plug in your earphones and feed your ears with the music of your choice.

About almost only a couple of decades ago, we depended on getting the songs of our choice recorded by a ‘music shop’. This took hours of sincere efforts and we had to engage our besties in this mission to help us share the costs.

Getting our music playlists recorded as we had to manage everything within our meager pocket money or to convince our parents for that which was seriously a difficult task in itself.

After several revisions our perfect playlists got ready which included the best of the most loved songs. And we always made sure that none of our partners’ favourite tracks were left out. This was a bit tricky because we could cram a maximum of 20 something songs in a cassette!

Creating playlists with besties and managing everything with little savings

But all of that was fun because we remembered the playlists on each cassette by heart and as a result of that, most of the lyrics as well. So you can say that each music cassette was basically a playlist and one often paused these cassettes right before the songs that we wanted to listen to the moment we put these cassettes in the player.

Playing songs on a traditional music player

Lol! I had around 20 odd cassettes neatly organised each stopped at a particular song. I remember starting my workout with the same song everyday and building it up with the following tracks. Ditto for road trips and House parties!!


It’s true, these things have been radically simplified today. The whole ‘music experience’ has been radically simplified today but the excitement that we experienced then seems lost somewhere.

Music isn’t nearly as social an activity as it used to be back then. Now, we do a lot of those things alone.

Listening to music alone

Everything alone and somewhat mechanical!!

Create >> Listen >> Stream !!

All alone! :(

“ Wouldn’t it be exciting if we get to enjoy music with our friends or other music lovers like we did when we were young? Or teach the present generation how music really should be enjoyed. Wow that would be fun. ;)”

Checking in while hitting the gym

What I would want, really is music to be social again. Everything is so social today. People checking in when they hit the gym, when they open the car door, start the engines, adjust the back view mirror, go grocery shopping…lol..!

(Seriously! this list could go on.)

Everything is social. Why isn’t music anymore?

Making music more social will not only give us variety of music to enjoy but also help us find the rarest songs that we heard once somewhere and now remember a few vague lyrics of…..or the extraordinary beats in its last verse.

Happens to us all doesn’t it?

I am still searching for a song that I heard once in the trials of my school’s music festival in sophomore year. I was too busy organising the show and making a bold statement to my peers.

Interestingly, through all of that, I completely forgot to ask the performers’ names or what the song was named. I keep asking my friends but no one seems to remember!

( I really don’t blame them for that, they were sophomore year students in the audience. Probably had a blackout! lol)

But the problem remains, I never heard that song again and if it was self composed then I guess I may never find out! :(

I sometimes play the beats on my drum

I distinctly remember the drum beats throughout though and being able to play the drums helps me. I sometimes play it to myself.

I know, only a true pop music lover can find out the song. I wonder if I could record the beats that I remember and share it with the pop music community. Then, I am sure, someone will definitely find out the song for me.

I wish we had such a vast social networking platform only for music lovers where everyone is equally mad about music. Everyone else is just as curious as I, to explore new music, to discover talented musicians, to find out all the latest music facts, to share our musical journey, to live music together.

Everyone is equally mad about music

I do know for sure that there are indeed countless others like me who feel the same way.

The FUTURE ( what we want it to be like)

Sometimes a hit song is just the cover of another song. Then, you must have felt the urge to share it with others. Haven’t you? It adds to our conversations and we get to discover similar music when we are on a social sharing platform.

We could find many others like us who take interest in talking about musicians, bands, concerts, events, news, facts- about everything related to music. It would have been so exciting to know how it really felt at the Katy Perry concert last week that I missed!

Ah! It would be so much fun!

Pop is just my favourite. I can listen to Pop music continuously for hours. I always keep searching for new music matching my taste whenever I find time. For that I have to surf too much and it takes so much of my time searching and downloading. Then I have to delete the tracks that I don’t like.

Seriously why bother? One thing I really want is for music streaming to get much much better at its game!

I also desperately want playlists to get better than what goes around right now!

Then, I feel like there should already be a solution to this problem but there isn’t. Interestingly, music isn’t nearly as social as we think it should be.

Come to think of it, we don’t want to waste our resources listening to the music of our taste.

Actually, what we need is a Kindle for ‘music’ ! (Or something like it.)

What we need is other music lovers matching our tastes & sharing the music they feel is just awesome.

That’s what we all really really need.

Until music gets back to sharing the way it used to. I don’t see it being as magical as it is meant to be any time soon.

Music means much more than just what it is to us music fanatics. It’s our full time obsession. We wake and sleep music. We breathe and dream music.

Music is life for us. Music is what makes life worth living. It’s what connects us to our past, our soul, ourselves even.

Music to me is the language in which I talk to myself. If you really want to make an app, make one that does justice to our religion: music!

If you liked this story, recommend it to other music lovers like you.

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