MV Computer Science
1 min readAug 28, 2016


I grew up in an Asian family in Cupertino. I can confidently say the problem isn’t white racism, it’s Asian racism. My sister used to hang out with some white friends during middle school. Every time she got a B on a test or assignment (admittedly not often), my mom would lecture her about her “poor choices in friends”, and eventually she decided to get more “acceptable” friends. i didn’t have that issue because I didn’t have enough white friends for it to really matter.

The worst part of it is that I can’t even say my mom was wrong, in hindsight. You compare yourself with your peers, and if your peers are white kids with 3.8 GPAs instead of Asian kids with 4.0 GPAs, your grades are naturally going to slide a little. But let’s be honest here: the real reason white kids in Cupertino are moving away is because they feel isolated and alone — if they stay, Asian parents will constantly stereotype them as “dumb” or “party” kids.

