William Dvorak
William Dvorak

I help early stage founders with strategy and MVP building to get their ideas out to the world. Common industries include finance, healthcare, and white collar automation. Generally, clients are at the stage of zero lines written up to initial functional prototype. Some questions that need answering are: Should I outsource or inhouse? Should I use mobile web or native app? How do I launch within budget -- what can I cut out to stay lean? How much and how long *should* this take? How do I build an MVP and not throw it all out when building a second version? I've worked with Google, Amazon, Harvard, Wayfair, Chime, Rho Business Banking, and Adaptive Management at the Principal Engineer level, but love building early products. I've built a few free productivity apps in my time: unsubscriberobot.com and socialpomodoro.com. I have experience in many industries and technical stacks. My past clients have raised over $3M with their first version. I hired the team and led engineering architecture and oversaw the library work. Other clients have launched their app to over thirty thousand users. The people I've worked with have commented that I have the "rare ability to bring order from complexity", I bring a "clearheaded view of technical choices", I give "strategic advice regarding MVP objectives, sequencing of the build-out, user flow considerations, look / feel solutions, product optimization decisions" and finally that I'm an "invaluable resource for help defining your vision". I have a proven process that I go through to evaluate and build out MVPs. I'm looking forward to working with enthusiastic domain experts where I can bring my technical expertise. I guarantee you can launch a meaningful beta in three months on budget. I'd be happy to chat with you -- reach out on here or on mvpengineer.com