6 Cold Outreach Sales Statistics — Infographic

Michael Phillips
3 min readFeb 16, 2018


6 cold outreach sales statistics that may help boost your numbers of meetings booked and deals closed.

6 cold outreach sales statistics
6 cold outreach sales statistics

75% of surveyed executives are willing to make an appointment of attend an event based on a cold call or email alone.


This is huge. Cold calling done right can provide huge value for executives, who are always looking for ways to increase revenue, streamline processes, reduce costs, provide a better service, gain more market share and exposure, etc.

If you’re not having anywhere near this success rate, you must ask yourself some questions:

• Are you getting in touch with the right decision maker, at the right level?
• Are you articulate and to the point in your phone and emails?
• Are you talking too much, and not asking enough questions?
• Are you “over-pitching” in your calls and emails rather than keeping it short?

It can be difficult to even get the right decision maker on the phone. Sales reps that make 12 contact attempts perform 16% better than those who make the average of 8. Prospects are busy — you need to continually follow up.

92% of all customer interactions happen on the phone.


And you thought cold calling was dead. Not only is cold calling important, you have to have a structure for inbound calls, follow up calls, and closing. While emails and social media are helpful, they don’t provide a real-time live interaction with audio like a phone call does. Speed is crucial in this day in age, and people want information fast.

Only 33% of a sales rep’s time is spent actively selling.

Heinz Marketing

The more time you spend selling, the more deals you’ll close. It’s no secret that companies who generate leads for the sales team (often pre-qualified from marketing) are able to make more calls than the sales teams that have to generate their own. Look for tools that can help you polish your sales process.

Email is 40 times more effective at getting new customers that Facebook and Twitter combined.


While “social selling” can be helpful for brand awareness, tailored and personalised emails can be very effective at reaching decision makers. Depending on your target market, managers and executives may not spend a lot of time on Facebook and Twitter, so fish where the fish are.

92% of salespeople give up after four “No’s,” but 80% of prospects say “No” four times before they say “Yes.”


There are many different types of objections: shit tests, complaints and true objections. Some are best handled by ignoring or skimming past them, but others require you to “break down” and analyse them with the prospect, so they don’t resurface again later. This also makes the prospect feel like you really do understand their situation and can actually help them out. Be persistent!

Originally published at SalesWolf.io.

