ETP holders have the opportunity to get ‘Christmas candy’ — Bitcoin God

Metaverse Foundation
2 min readDec 12, 2017

Chandler Guo, a well-known bitcoin angel investor, announced that Bitcoin would be forked on the night of December 25th, with the new currency forked as Bitcoin God.

Bitcoin distribution rules:

1. There are total of 21 million Bitcoin God, in line with the total amount of Bitcoin, there is no mining for Bitcoin God

2. Bitcoin will be forked at block height 501225 to produce Bitcoins God as a gift for everyone

3. There are already exchanges confirmed that Bitcoin God will be available for trading on them, exchanges will take snapshots of their users at block height 501225 and distribute Bitcoin God 1:1 to users according to the amount of bitcoin they held. All users holding Metaverse ETP have opportunity to receive a certain percentage of Bitcoin God.

When Mr. Guo announced the fork news, he thanked the Metaverse community developers for the technical support they provided for the fork. In particular, Mr. Guo pointed out that the digital identity technology provided by Metaverse is essential to the fork. Likewise, members of Metaverse are honored to contribute a bit of power to Bitcoin God Community.

Metaverse is always highlighting the importance of digital identity in both the technology development of the blockchain and its application. In September this year, Metaverse released the White Paper of digital identity. Digital identity has always been the missing part in the public chain, and Metaverse is committed to providing users with unique digital identity services. In the blockchain, digital identities will be integrated at the bottom as an easy-to-use foundation for any users to participate in application of the digital identity. Through digital identity, users can easily save their ‘candies’ and manage their own assets. At present, Metaverse has completed the first draft of the digital identity function design, the function is been developing and will be achieved in the near future.



Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.