Metaverse at Finwise Summit 2018: Driving Blockchain-Based Finance

Metaverse Foundation
3 min readJan 16, 2018


On January 12, 2018, Metaverse attended the Finwise Summit, jointly organized by the Macau International Blockchain Research Society and other international Blockchain organizations. The Summit gathered outstanding Blockchain projects, industry specialists and investors, academics and members of the press from around the world for two days of intense discussion about hot topics in the Blockchain industry, with a focus on blockchain applications in the financial industry and the evolution of Fintech.

Metaverse’s CEO and founder Eric Gu and CTO Chen Hao led a team of representatives to the conference, where they introduced the Metaverse project and shared the latest developments and achievements. Together with attendees at the Finwise Summit, they participated in discussions about the potential for financial industry restructuring through blockchain technology and established preliminary intentions to cooperate with multiple projects. During the Summit, Eric expressed that the financial industry would inevitably serve as the main market for blockchain technology applications. With the ability of blockchain technology to effectively resolve many of the problems facing the financial industry, the future was bright for the intersection of blockchains with the financial sector.

Main venue

As CTO of one of China’s leading public blockchain platforms, Metaverse’s Chen Hao gave a presentation titled Blockchain Applications and Metaverse. During the presentation, Chen Hao shared his opinions on what constituted blockchain thinking, how Metaverse can help internet and web services companies integrate with blockchain technology, and how blockchain thinking can be used to construct the new Internet.

Chenhao delivers speech

An excerpt from his speech: “Traditional internet giants have entered the blockchain industry in quick succession. As we move from the Internet era to the era of the blockchain, whether they can continue to dominate the industry remains to be seen. The traditional Internet consists of isolated islands of value, with sealed-off ecosystems and data. In contrast, blockchains aren’t merely a type of technology — they are a philosophy, a way to build that combines both model and technical innovation. As for Metaverse, an Internet startup, we have some natural advantages. Concepts raised by Metaverse such as digital identities and Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) have the ability to place the current Internet on the blockchain, drive the Internet’s evolution from isolated islands of value towards an Internet of Value, and develop supervizable “weakly-centralized” applications. Metaverse strives to become one of the core infrastructure-level technologies underlying the Internet and provide digitization capabilities that will be one of the Internet’s major drivers, allowing any and every application to enjoy the convenience afforded by digital finance at effectively no cost.

Appointment of Metaverse Ambassador

After his speech, Chen Hao presented a plaque to the first Metaverse global ambassador, Jack Hwang, who is our Ambassador in South Korea. He also took the opportunity to express his gratitude for Jack’s significant contributions to the Korean Community. The Metaverse Ambassador Program is a global project, with the aim of supporting the Metaverse community in all corners of the globe and increasing their influence.

Metaverse booth

During the Summit, representatives from the Metaverse team were present to interact with guests and blockchain enthusiasts. More than just blockchain technology, they introduced the overall development of Metaverse and its unique selling points, as well as the concept of Blockchain-as-a-Service. We believe that this round of the Summit was useful for blockchain enthusiasts, who could gain a comprehensive understanding of the direction of Metaverse’s development and enrich the Metaverse ecosystem and community.



Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.