Metaverse At Fudan University

Metaverse Foundation
2 min readNov 21, 2017


On November 17th, 2017, Janice Shi, the Head of Global Development at Metaverse, was invited to be a panelist in a Panel Discussion at Fudan University with other Blockchain and Fintech experts. During the event, Janice and the other panelists held a spirited discussion about Blockchain and operating a Blockchain business in China. The event was organized by the Fudan Blockchain Association at the Guanghua School of Management. The panelists were invited to share their experience working in the industry for the past few years and to help students to better understand the Blockchain industry as well as how to get involved.

Janice first introduced Metaverse and its core pillars: Digital Identities, Digital Assets and Oracles. She then answered a wide range of questions about education, the challenges faced by the Blockchain industry, and how to operate a Blockchain business in China. Regarding education, Janice advised students and young professionals to study about Blockchain and keep themselves updated about Blockchain-related news using websites such as Coindesk.

In addition, she provided her insights on operating a Blockchain business in China. She believes that Blockchain businesses will be able to scale by working on partnerships with leading industry players, who have a deep understanding of a particular line of business but lack the technical knowledge to integrate Blockchain solutions in their business operations. She added that the best way to educate traditional businesses about Blockchain is to start a conversation with such traditional businesses. In October 2017, Metaverse was the only Chinese Blockchain company represented at the Money 20/20 conference in Las Vegas, which gathered major industry players in the payments and financial industry. She told the audience that multinational companies such as IBM and MasterCard started business discussions with Metaverse and were eager to learn more about the Blockchain industry and its implications.


About Fudan University

Fudan University is located in Shanghai, China and was founded in 1905. It is a publicly-owned university and is an affiliate of prestigious programs such as C9 and Universitas 21. It is the best University in Shanghai before Jiao Tong University and a Top Three University in China with over 30,000 students. Fudan University is ranked 40rd globally according to QS World University Ranking (2018 Edition).



Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.