Metaverse Foundation Officially Announces Investment in Maverick Chain on Nov, 22

Metaverse Foundation
2 min readNov 23, 2017


The objective of the Metaverse Foundation is to maintain the smooth operation of the Metaverse blockchain, as well as invest in and guide the development of each link of the industry value chain derived from the Metaverse blockchain in order to create a rich, robust Metaverse ecosystem. Since its establishment, the Metaverse Foundation has invested aggressively in the blockchain sector and has now successfully established investment and cooperation ties with various projects and enterprises both at home and abroad. Currently, the Metaverse Foundation will direct its investment efforts towards expanding promising emerging blockchain projects, with a focus on digital identities and BaaS services. This round of investments in Maverick Chain represents another important step taken by the Metaverse Foundation towards enhancing the Metaverse ecosystem and the vitality of its community.

Maverick Chain provides a complete technology solutions package encompassing asset transfer, issuance, trading and ownership validation processes. Through blockchain technology and smart contract protocols, it supports users looking to issue traditional assets in the digital currency market. At the same time, the Maverick System serves as a bridge between blockchain and non-blockchain assets, allowing digital assets to be registered on-chain rapidly. Simply put, it will allow Internet companies to begin seamlessly trading their troken on Maverick Chain’s platform.

The Maverick Chain team has established a Global Development Department in Europe, and has quickly gathered a foreign community exceeding 100,000 members. Its token MVC has been listed on three major overseas exchanges: Yobit, EtherDelta, and Coin2Coin.

In September this year, Metaverse formally released its Digital Identity White Paper and proposed the concept of BaaS (Blockchain as a Service) — a blockchain delivery model allowing enterprises or individuals to customize blockchain services provided by blockchain solutions providers to fit their actual needs.

We believe that digital identities and BaaS use cases will impact the insurance, borrowing, audit and credit rating industries. This investment in Maverick will continue to enhance our digital identity system and expand the range of infrastructure services provided by the Metaverse Blockchain, allowing more users and enterprises to enjoy convenient blockchain services.



Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.