Metaverse — the retrospect of World Blockchain Summit in Dubai

Metaverse Foundation
2 min readOct 30, 2017


On October 24–25, Eric Gu, the founder of Metaverse Foundation, was invited to attend the World Blockchain Summit held in Dubai. World Blockchain Summit gathered emerging blockchain enterprises and senior blockchain experts. Metaverse team discussed the development and prospects of the blockchain technology together with many participants. At the same time, Eric Gu delivered a speech and shared his unique opinions with respect to blockchain.

At the summit, Eric Gu gave a presentation themed “Digital Identity: Commercial Application of the Blockchain”, which explains the importance of digital identity in the development of blockchain technology. Additionally, the founder elaborated China’s first public blockchain Metaverse’s development progress and its huge commercial potential in digital identity, digital assets and BaaS.

Dubai government attached great importance to the World Blockchain Summit, where government officials attended the meeting and participated in the discussions actively and passionately. Metaverse team talked about the development and application of blockchain with officials from Department of Economic Development and Dubai Health Authority. Furthermore, Eric shared his views over some specific issues.

The founder of Metaverse Foundation, Eric Gu expressed,

I am very honored to be here and discuss with these excellent blockchain experts from all over the world on how will the blockchain create new value and serve all industries as well as how will Metaverse-based digital identity, digital assets and Blockchian-as-a Service (BaaS) be able to help these fields operate more efficiently and trustworthily. I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to these outstanding professionals and industry experts for their suggestions, which will urge us to make further progress.



Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.