Metaverse To Attend the 8th Caixin Summit

Metaverse Foundation
3 min readNov 16, 2017


Metaverse has been invited to attend the 8th Caixin Summit held by Caixin Media from Nov 15–17, 2017.

This summit is sponsored by Caixin Media and Caixin Insight, and is co-organized by Bank of China (BOC), Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC),Ant Financial and Ping An Group. Distinguished guests will be present at the Summit to jointly discuss the theme of “Reform Revitalized”, including Hu Shuli, Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Caixin Media; Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, current Chief Executive of Hong Kong; Zhu Min, Chairman of the National Institution of Financial Research at Tsinghua University, and former President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude TRICHET, Chairman of the Group of 30 and former Deputy Managing Director of IMF.

Steven Chu, the 12th United States Secretary of Energy and the recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physics (1997), Huang Qifan, Vice Chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee of the NPC, Lord Adare Turner, former Chairman of the UK Financial Bureau, Tu Guangshao, Vice Chairman and General Manager of China Investment Corporation and Wang Shi, Chairman of Vanke Public Welfare Foundation and founder of Vanke Group will also participate in the summit.

Caixin Summit Scene

Market and Chief Business Officer of Viewfin, Riconi, participated in the summit. Riconi had the opportunity to interact with entrepreneurs and elites from traditional financial institutions and emerging internet enterprises to discuss the development and commercial applications of Viewfin’s subsidiary, the Metaverse blockchain.

Riconi and Gordon Jing, General Manager of Caixin International South China

The latest issues of Caixin International English Journal and China Reform were also published on the same day. Notably, both magazines contained extensive reports about the blockchain and digital currency within their cover articles and carried out in-depth discussion about related regulatory and industry developments.

Latest publication of Caixin at the summit

As the only blockchain company interviewed, Metaverse’s development history and mission was covered in detail in Caixin English Version.

About Caixin Media:

Caixin Media is Omnimedia group providing financial news and information services. Dedicated to providing financial and business news through periodicals, online content, periodicals, videos, books, conferences and other multi-level business platforms and with its professional team and strong original news advantages, Caixin Media is part of China’s most influential financial media group and provides accurate, comprehensive, in-depth financial news.

About Metverse:

Metaverse is a Smart Property system based on blockchain technology and developed by the Viewfin team. Metaverse integrates the Digital Identity (Avatar) and Value Intermediary (Oracle) service frameworks and provides a unique platform both for blockchain developers and ordinary business users. Users can create digital assets and digital identities as well as identify value intermediaries with just a few simple steps.



Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.