Metaverse Wallet 0.7.1 Release Notes

Metaverse Foundation
1 min readOct 19, 2017


Metaverse Wallet 0.7.1 has released! Check out the Release Notes:

1. Fix the problem that some users can’t deposit ETP;

2. Add the functionality that miners could independently determine the mining fees;

3. Add the functionality of multi-signature;

4. Fix the problem that the wallet can’t connect background procedures occasionally;

5. Display the block height of the ETP (estimated value) maturity for deposit function;

6. Improve performance of wallet.

7. Improve user experience.

0.7.1 The installation package consists of the wallet-normal version and the blockdata-inside version. The blockdata-inside version represents the installation version with the database that could greatly save the first block synchronization time. New users are recommended to download and install the packet version. In case that the packet version may cover the initial data, while the old users are recommended to install the wallet-normal version.

Download address:



Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.