Metaverse Weekly Update (4.16–4.20)

Metaverse Foundation
3 min readApr 20, 2018


Welcome to the Metaverse Weekly Progress Report of April 16th! Read about our development and marketing progress from this weekly report brought to you by the Metaverse team.

Top Development Commits

  1. About Metaverse Digital Identity
  • Redesigned framework of DID profile
  • Studied the Virtual Machine of DID
  • Added API of displaying history address list

2. About Metaverse Digital Asset

  • Fixed bug about additional couldn’t be issued freely
  • Analysis and design of asset lock and release model
  • Analysis and design of the demand for asset domain name certificate

3. About API

  • Completed the development and testing about API function in terms of MVS supports Ethereum eth_getWork and eth_submitWork

4. Others

  • Fixed the bug about program crushed and couldn’t synchronize due to internal memory slopped over
  • Resource Manager: completed the new version of front-end and ready to update it
  • Metaverse full-node wallet: added the feature about import and export account from file

Marketing progress

  1. Exchange

Metaverse ETP is available for trading on since 19 April. The trading pair is ETP/FBT and ETP/BTC. Promotion activity is still ongoing (end on 21 April), please go and try to get ETP there.

To join promotion activity, please go to!

2. Partnership

This Monday, Metaverse and WeAreChain(WAC) established strategic partnership and both parties would collaborate in terms of technology, data value and business work. WeAreChain (WAC) focuses on Blockchain E-commerce platform and released its application — WAC MediaGo, which will integrate media, e-commerce, and physical stores to maximize end-user consumption and boost joint marketing.

For more info, please visit at:

3. Conference & Meetup

4. Chenhao AMA video

This Thursday, we released Chenhao’s AMA video on Youtube, which talked about more details of MST (Metaverse Smart Token). This is Chenhao’s first AMA in overseas market and his first public talk about Metaverse in English.

We would like to have more feedback about this AMA and improve it in next time.

To check video, please click on the link below:

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Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.