SuperNova lightwallet upgrade!

Metaverse Foundation
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2018

We are excited to announce the newly added functions of SuperNova lightwallet 0.3.3!

In the previous version, users could send MST and ETP to only one recipient at a time. Many users faced the issue that they could not send these tokens to multiple recipients at one time, when having such a function is useful in many business scenarios.

Another frequent request from our community is the ability to know when the ETP will unlock directly in the lightwallet.

In the latest version of SuperNova, we added a “Send To Many” function for ETP and MST transfers and a section for Deposits in the history page.

Send to many:

1. In the transfer page, users can send ETP and MST to more than one recipient by clicking on the button “ADD RECIPIENT”.

2. For those who need to send to a batch of recipients, like businesses, you can import up to 1000 recipients from a CSV file.

3. If the transaction amount surpasses a user’s available balance, an error will display: “The total is higher than your available balance”.

For ETP Deposits transaction history

An added feature to the transaction history, shown under Deposits, allows users to track when their locked ETP will be available. The transaction amount, unlocking height, and the number of locked blocks are clearly shown and are visually displayed by the progress bar below. These newly added functions are more intuitive and user-friendly.

We appreciate the contribution by our community members, and your trust and support are motivating to us.

We take community feedback seriously. Please issue reports and bugs to us at, and we will address them the best we can.

For a more detailed and technical explanation of Deposit ETP, please refer to Metaverse Explained: Deposit ETP, written by Metaverse developer Sven.

Please follow us on Github, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Telegram, Reddit, Discord, and our blog for the latest updates of Metaverse.

We hope you enjoy the new version!



Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.