Weekly Report of March 26th — April 1

Metaverse Foundation
2 min readApr 2, 2018


Welcome to the Metaverse Weekly Report of March 26th! Read about our development progress from this weekly report brought to you by the Metaverse team. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know through Twitter @mvs_org.

Top Commits Last Week

1. Metaverse Full-Node Wallet

Digital identity

• Logic modification and debugging for changing digital identity binding address completed

• Modification and optimization for digital identity consensus algorithm completed

• Research on the relationship between digital identity and digital assets completed

Digital asset:

•Adjusted threshold value for additional issuance of digital assets: 1 stands for no upper limits, 0 stands for no additional issuance, 1 -100 stands for the normal range

• Modified the functionality that additional assets issuance needs issuance right

• Logic adjustment and optimization of transaction verification consensus algorithm for additional assets issuance

• Added API for assets issuance right transfer


Metaverse supports interfacing needs analysis of Ethereum pool.

2. MyETPWallet

Development of consistent key for Metaverse Full-Node Wallet and Light Wallet, 50% completed.

3. Blockchain browser

Improved blockchain browser back-end, increased efficiency, 60% completed.

News Last Week

Metaverse on Forbes China

The week before last, Metaverse founder Eric Gu was interviewed by Forbes China and last week the article was published.

The expanding global ecommerce market is posing a severe test to digital transaction as ecommerce fraud is growing at an alarming rate. To make digital transaction safer and faster, the establishment of digital identity is indispensable. Forbes China reporter approached Eric Gu for his comments on this subject.

Under Metaverse’s roadmap, users including service providers would be able to permanently establish, build their own digital identity on an open-source, public blockchain. Service providers will act as “intermediaries” to provide “rapid and transparent supervision.” A smart contract will be established between providers and their digital asset. When the asset trades hands, so too will the verification, ensuring that nobody gets scammed and buyers can be confident that the asset or service they’re paying for is the real deal.

Metaverse has rolled out its first phase of the digital identity and digital asset registration in early 2018 with blockchain as a service developments (including integrating cloud service and architecture) in the hope of safeguarding online transactions. It plans to expand its plans significantly during 2018.

This article has also been translated into Korean and Japanese and published on two leading Korean and Japanese websites.



Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.