Welcome Metaverse HK Ambassador

Metaverse Foundation
3 min readMay 4, 2018


We’re glad to announce that Metaverse has a new ambassador in HongKong — Penny Yau!

To know Penny better, we had a tiny interview with him. Let’s step into this interview together.

Q: Can you first tell us a bit about you? Maybe a fun fact we wouldn’t expect?

A: Hi everyone, I’m Penny. I have an app development company which runs for over four years. I found that app is important and some apps are changing the world. However, when I got to know more about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, I do think that it will revolute the whole world not only in Finance, but also all industries or fields. Therefore, our team started to get involved into blockchain and well equipped ourselves to welcome to this extremely fast moving revolution. We have some app projects partners or startup projects which may need to become blockchain related project, I think it will be much fun to create a new world together.

Q. What is it that you do at Metaverse? How did you hear about the project and what made you apply for your role?

A: I think I could contribute myself as a business partner or help to discuss with business strategy as I am EMBA (executive MBA in Chinese university in Hong Kong) that I am capable to well known about business and how to grow a corporate in an effective way. I am also MSc of IT in Polytechnic University of Hong Kong so I have competitive advantage on who only have business academic background.

I heard this project is from the Finwise summit event in Macau. I think this project is great and it is a trend to make it done in some day. Although the most difficulty is in government regulations of different countries, it is a must do project for sure.

Q. When did you first hear and start learning about blockchain? What is the most interesting thing about it to you?

A: Five years before it is my first time to invest in bitcoin and learn and know some ideas on bitcoin and blockchain. But at that time I am very busy and can’t get thorough knowledge and understanding of it. So when it is two years before, my partner of the listed company have an idea to involve blockchain to their system. We discussed and studied much on it. We found that it is really amazing and it is much more interesting area rather than some other hot topics like AI, big data and VR and else. The most interesting part of blockchain to me is it is making the world into one. It will be the best way to combine all countries into one.

Q. What do you hope to achieve being Metaverse ambassador? What are you particularly excited to work on?

A: I want to help promoting Metaverse in terms of business because Metaverse BaaS could make business done quicker and securer, this could bring more partners to on-chain. As if more partners to help with, more chances to make it success. I am able to hold some events like workshops, seminars or meetups to help promoting the project as well.

I excited to help promote the project in different Asian areas not limited in Hong Kong, as I like travel and like to make friends. I will be glad to help lining up some corporate to as partners or promoting the projects.

We’re glad to have Penny onboard to support Metaverse. Let’s welcome him and look forward to hearing more news from him.

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Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.