Metaverse Weekly Update: March 3, 2018

Metaverse Foundation
1 min readMar 12, 2018


Welcome to Metaverse’s weekly report of March 3rd. Our tech team has been working hard towards the milestones of our roadmap. Below are last week’s top commits:

  • Optimized the process of creating and publishing digital identity; tested the functions of digital identity;
  • Released the verification process of digital identity and script writing;
  • Preliminary coding for. sending ETP to digital identity;
  • Preliminary coding for sending digital asset to digital identity;
  • BaoFeng Technology released technical support for rom;
  • Resolved Github issue #258, #261, #262 and the abnormal exit resulting from using empty wallet addresses;
  • Resolved the issue of Docker compiling being unable to past; added ‘-build-upnpc’ option;
  • Tested and adjusted the function of additional asset releasing;
  • Modified the time display of block creation time in block browser;
  • Complied the asset display page in block browser;
  • Optimised back-end service of block brower;
  • Submitted IOS SPV mobile wallet to APP store, waiting for approval to go online.

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Metaverse Foundation

Metaverse Foundation aims to maintain the operations of Metaverse Blockchain and build a complete affluent Metaverse ecosystem through grants & education.