How many failed startup ventures did I have before my first success?

Matt Warcholinski
2 min readOct 29, 2016



Your startup is failing? Good.

From #1 Fail I’ve learned:

  • That you can sell a product without having it
  • Tight deadlines push your team to deliver faster and focus on the most important things solving a problem for a customer (not another feature)

From 2nd Fail I’ve learned:

  • That you don’t have to be native English or know perfect grammar to create a successful blog
  • That Facebook Groups can bring you a lot of free traffic by posting there your content and helping people by writing blog posts solving their problems

From 3rd Fail I’ve learned:

  • That You cannot trust, what people say or what do they have in resumes — Trust based on their execution
  • That hard-work is sometimes more important than a superb diploma or a top corporation experience

From 4th Fail I’ve learned:

  • That the Sales is the most important in your startup
  • That everybody in your company should sell and look for opportunities around them to push sells

From 5th Fail I’ve learned:

  • That you never and ever cannot give up — Learn from your fail and start over
  • That the more fails I got, the faster I achieved the small successes in the next startup

From 6th… Oh wait, I haven’t failed from this one :) And I am happy to share my mistakes with startups that I help.

